Need 5000+ prestige lane clearer - organized alliance

KishoteKishote Member Posts: 5
Odin's Almighty
Tag - ODAL

Map 5 x 5

We are looking for someone who loves playing this game. This is the biggest requirement of all. If you love this game, no one has to tell you to move in AQ or AW, hit your minimums in 3-day events, or communicate if you can't be active for whatever reason. You must also be able to handle your own in AQ & AW, and if you screw up (like we all do sometimes) use your resources to fix it. We respect the members of our alliance who bust their @$$ in this game. This means that we kick those that leech on the efforts of others.

But mostly we just want to have a good time playing this game.

Currently we are ~950 rank in AQ and Tier 3 in AW.

Contact Info
Dorito5 (line or ign are same)
Kishote ign, Kishote1 on Line

Prestige: 5000 (or 4700 w/ a clear path at 5000)

100k G, 23k BC, 10k Loy

Completion - 15k
Items - 2.5k
Arena (both) - zero
Duels - 650 (we hate it too, but it's easy rewards)


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