Bugs with Act 4 exploration
Hi guys, Good Morning/Afternoon/evening, First of all a merry christmas, I hope ya'll doin well, Imma get straight to the point, so today I was exploring act 4, I was doing it from the reverse, and while exploring 4.4.5 it had said "98%" I was not sure and when I looked further into it a strip of already explored path was kinda missing just like in the image, ithought it was display bug and restarted the and yet was at 98%, now obviously I didnt care and did it again to get remaining 2% but again when I was exploring 4.4.5 this same thing happened missing strip of already explored path, like the only problem is why should I explore and explored path?, I just want to bring this to your knowledge.
And I also want to appreciate the game team for working through holidays for us Thank you guys, and have an fantastic holiday
And I also want to appreciate the game team for working through holidays for us Thank you guys, and have an fantastic holiday
So from above original clip, sounded like you *DID* go back in and complete that missing section. (**and did you complete that quest all the way thru boss, or just quit after you traveled those few missing links ??)
Otherwise, yes, after the major ACT-4 Revamp, lot of paths were removed, or merged with others, or changes.
If you were not already 100% ACT-4 prior to that Revamp, progress would show potential mismatch of completed/uncompleted segments on same (changed) paths.
Overall, still lot less energy needed for people to finish these Act's up (Act's 2-4) that what you had still left undone originally.