It's no longer a trench...

... it's well and truly a canyon between FTP and PTW.

Not even mad with the meta. What has taken me back is the fact that every account nowadays seems to be the fake Legend from the Incursions Herc exploit reward, and it's hard to see accounts with a champ below 20k PI in a roster. Heck, with this meta I even see accounts not fielding a single one of their top champs but even when they have to dig deep in their roster they still have no champ below R4 6*.
We know that Kabam is aware that the 4th of July event was a major PTW clown fiesta, so every event from then on has been filled with joke rewards for FTP even if they spend half a year saving units. This banquet is on record to be the worst in a long time, so it's no wonder there are so many players burning out.
I have not seen so much bubbling dissent under the surface since the mess of Update 12, and I wonder if Kabam is going to continue pretending this is not a problem and just keep feeding the whales for those juicy end of quarter figures...

Not even mad with the meta. What has taken me back is the fact that every account nowadays seems to be the fake Legend from the Incursions Herc exploit reward, and it's hard to see accounts with a champ below 20k PI in a roster. Heck, with this meta I even see accounts not fielding a single one of their top champs but even when they have to dig deep in their roster they still have no champ below R4 6*.
We know that Kabam is aware that the 4th of July event was a major PTW clown fiesta, so every event from then on has been filled with joke rewards for FTP even if they spend half a year saving units. This banquet is on record to be the worst in a long time, so it's no wonder there are so many players burning out.
I have not seen so much bubbling dissent under the surface since the mess of Update 12, and I wonder if Kabam is going to continue pretending this is not a problem and just keep feeding the whales for those juicy end of quarter figures...
such is life. such is competition.
This is a skill issue.
Their view on what f2p can accomplish is just wildly skewed.
Where's your "Herc exploit legend title"? Maybe if you actually did incursions and other content instead of having this defeatist mentality that it's only for P2W, you wouldn't be so far behind.
They made banquet and cyber weekend trash, huge disappointment for p2w.
I agree july deals are insane, but cyber weekend is trash.
This season is better, we aren't getting nuked by entire deck with 6 r5 and 7 r2/7 r3.
This is coming from a ftp before you attack me.
Try to play it down as much as you want, but the fact is that the distance between paying and non paying players is at its highest for a long time, maybe even since the game started. There are very few non paying players that are even close to paying player rosters, if any.
You aren't complaining about anything new. You're in competition with everyone in BGs. Some will be better than you. You will hit a ceiling at some point and maybe you already did.
Yes, there's a "gap" between F2P and spenders but that's obvious. There isn't anything wrong with that either. They paid for their advantage.
This meta for BGs mostly negates roster size. Power Shield is a great node for lessee rosters because they get that huge burst in damage. But if you're going to forfeit fights before trying them, you will find little to no sympathy here on the forums.