Aw is unplayable

I dunno why but last three months ive noticed that every alliance war my allaince has enterd has just been unplayable every war it gets worse and worse the matchmaking is SO SO BAD constantly one sided matches ups the nodes never seem to chamge like they should do but no never change and finally defender ai tops it off making it very unplayable with intercepts 24/7 bursting thru blocks NOT using a HEAVY specials being blocked even UNBLOCKABLE i was in a fight last war where i was in my second fight attacking all of a sudden it stops im still tapping my screen but my champ didnt move now im not rooted or anything like that and the nodes didnt saying anything about staying still next thing i died from one intercept kick one had full health but one intercept kick im dead this is what making the game unplayabke in all areas you can play in and ive had enough of it kabam you need to have a complete overhaul on your game and check out all the problems this game has
But as for last/unrelated comment here.
@Wellhonestonion , you missed the notice that details the NEW War Standing brackets.
GOLD was split up from just 3 levels into 6 levels.
And (notwithstanding that around 500 more alliances move up from Silver into the new Gold, and same amount move up from Gold into Plat)…
Gold-1 was split into a new Gold-1 *and* Gold-2.
The old Gold-2 was split up into new Gold 3+4.
And the old Gold-3 was split up into new Gold 5+6.
So if you were Gold-2 before, and Gold-3 now, that is CORRECT. No problem.