I need help for my 6 star awakening gems

Hi everybody! I got a 6 star cosmic awakening gem and a generic one. Do I use my cosmic gem on Hulkling, CGR, Angela or Hyperion? or maybe wait if I get Hercules one day? And for the generic one, do I use it on Kitty Pride, Photon or Future Antman or should I wait for other champs? What would you do?


  • TheCaptain412TheCaptain412 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    For the Cosmic, Angela needs high/max sigs, so unless you want to invest in her, not the right choice. CGR and Hulkling likes higher sigs but gain from just being awakened, while Hype only needs to be awakened.

    On the generic, I don’t have enough experience with Photon or Fantman to make an informed decision, but I will say it’s nice for Kitty.

    As for waiting for Hercules, you have no idea when (or if) you’ll get him, so letting a resource sit because of who you might pull in the future is wasteful. 6* AG are becoming more common, so use it now and if you get Herc down the road, you’ll probably have another one by then.

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