Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

War Season 47

So….. a lot has been said by the community about the tactic, the potion issue, and many other things about the difficulty of Crush. Kabam hasn’t said anything about it except for Jax initially saying his piece before Season 46.

So the elephant in the room… Are we really going to run this back? I’m in tier 1 and would prefer to not lose members who can’t afford the potion cost or lose war rating by going the 40 percent route. And sitting out a season means no loyalty.

Can we get anything on this subject? That would greatly help alliance leaders consider what they need to do to look out for their members if things stay the same.


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    FunnyDudeFunnyDude Posts: 491 ★★★★

    Vega is angry on this war stuff, probably he doesn't know the game enough?
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,141 ★★★★★
    War is such an ass of place, giving defenders, root and unblockable is just next level.

    I'm approaching it as finish the fights asap with Elsa or tank specials with LadyD, anything else means K.O. for me.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,703 ★★★
    PT_99 said:

    War is such an ass of place, giving defenders, root and unblockable is just next level.

    I'm approaching it as finish the fights asap with Elsa or tank specials with LadyD, anything else means K.O. for me.

    I'm not in high end war so I don't know if this would work but couldn't you bring in iceman and Prof x, or heimdall or smth
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    BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Posts: 1,641 ★★★★★
    For me… to drop season 46 with a tactic designed to drain consumables with a loyalty store that doesn’t support that instead of the annual break I was expecting is enough for me to take a break this next season. At this point I don’t trust Kabam to listen to the constructive feedback that’s been attempted and make changes in time for 47 to be balanced correctly from an economy standpoint.

    I also simply need the break I was expecting to get as a let my resources dip at the end of decay thinking I had a break to replenish
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    Ming_Mow129Ming_Mow129 Posts: 53
    Kabam is just coming up with ways to make people spend money and what better way than to make a global defender and tactic that makes zero sense to make sure you lose a **** ton of health every fight just so you can buy potions from them. Stop taking the fun out the game and bring it back to its normal state where it was enjoyable
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    DevsAreHappyDevsAreHappy Posts: 9
    Still going to be expensive, potion price is going down in the second week of the war.
    But they tuned the numbers, so the difficulty will reduce about 30%
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    Ming_Mow129Ming_Mow129 Posts: 53
    Yeah my alliance is already opting to stay away from AW till something changes. Maybe when they get rid of crush 2.0 or make it tough but enjoyable bc the state of aw now is boring and expensive. It's really not skill based bc no matter what your losing a ton of health from block damage. I don't mind using some potions here and there but at the rate we're going ill be broke in a day lol
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