So Shriek is in the vote, and in this thread I'll go over what she do and why YOU should vote for her, let's get started!
So Shriek is a mutant, Carnage's lover and she screams, that's all cool stuff. I've looked in Wiki and I quote about her powers:
Dark Empathy: She can bring to light the dark side in people. During Maximum Carnage, she used this power to cause the city to go mad, causing, for example, a woman who would like to kill her children, a man raping a girl, and acts of anger, vandalism, and general mayhem. Her left eye shines as she uses this power.
Emotion Inducement: She can induce fear, hatred, and despair.
So Shriek have emotions manipulation, she can make people feel fear as said above
Now, we all know that one month after Psycho man (if I remember right) Mangog, the being that represents hatred, was released. With his arrival Psycho man got a synergy called "True hatred" which empowers his Hate mode, and it does a good job at it, but what about the other modes?
Now, a while ago I've made a thread about why I think Gladiator and Psycho man should share a synergy (cuz Gladiator's weakness is self doubt, which Psycho man can control) but that was a missed opportunity, it was already done... and honestly, White Tiger could have a fear synergy with him imo, but that's a missed opportunity too... now we stand before our next opportunity:
Shriek, can manipulate the fear emotion in people, Psycho man can do too
So, if Shriek wins, it's possible we get a Shriek-Psycho man synergy which will revolve around his Fear mode
And it can go like this:
Psycho-man:Psycho-man cannot rotate out of Fear mode, additionally, every time an opponent's abillity fails to trigger due to Psycho man's concussions-the opponent is inflicted with an indefinite Power sting debuff, dealing a burst of X direct damage WHENEVER AN OPPONENT'S ABILLITY FAILS TO TRIGGER DURING A SPEICAL ATTACK. max stacks:10.
So Psycho man's fear mode is about punishing the opponent's speical attacks, and thats exactly what will happen with this synergy. This synergy will introduce a new kind of Power sting-one that acts like the Sabotage debuff, instead of dealing a burst of dmg at the start of the opponent's speical attack, it'll deal a burst of dmg EVERY TIME an opponent's abillity fails to trigger during speical attacks. So if Shriek gets added we might get that much needed Synergy for Psycho man!
Vote for shriek!
So Shriek is a mutant, Carnage's lover and she screams, that's all cool stuff. I've looked in Wiki and I quote about her powers:
Dark Empathy: She can bring to light the dark side in people. During Maximum Carnage, she used this power to cause the city to go mad, causing, for example, a woman who would like to kill her children, a man raping a girl, and acts of anger, vandalism, and general mayhem. Her left eye shines as she uses this power.
Emotion Inducement: She can induce fear, hatred, and despair.
So Shriek have emotions manipulation, she can make people feel fear as said above
Now, we all know that one month after Psycho man (if I remember right) Mangog, the being that represents hatred, was released. With his arrival Psycho man got a synergy called "True hatred" which empowers his Hate mode, and it does a good job at it, but what about the other modes?
Now, a while ago I've made a thread about why I think Gladiator and Psycho man should share a synergy (cuz Gladiator's weakness is self doubt, which Psycho man can control) but that was a missed opportunity, it was already done... and honestly, White Tiger could have a fear synergy with him imo, but that's a missed opportunity too... now we stand before our next opportunity:
Shriek, can manipulate the fear emotion in people, Psycho man can do too
So, if Shriek wins, it's possible we get a Shriek-Psycho man synergy which will revolve around his Fear mode
And it can go like this:
Psycho-man:Psycho-man cannot rotate out of Fear mode, additionally, every time an opponent's abillity fails to trigger due to Psycho man's concussions-the opponent is inflicted with an indefinite Power sting debuff, dealing a burst of X direct damage WHENEVER AN OPPONENT'S ABILLITY FAILS TO TRIGGER DURING A SPEICAL ATTACK. max stacks:10.
So Psycho man's fear mode is about punishing the opponent's speical attacks, and thats exactly what will happen with this synergy. This synergy will introduce a new kind of Power sting-one that acts like the Sabotage debuff, instead of dealing a burst of dmg at the start of the opponent's speical attack, it'll deal a burst of dmg EVERY TIME an opponent's abillity fails to trigger during speical attacks. So if Shriek gets added we might get that much needed Synergy for Psycho man!
Vote for shriek!
I would vouch for her to be second and should be added in game at some point. I can see good potential with voice effects, it's new element. I don't see much with rubber tentacle ballhead and madame poison. I will lend friendly support to Shriek campaign though i m from rival campaign.
Anyways #VoteForBlob
Maximum Carnage would be a great event quest.
would be a great excuse to add a black bolt rework with shriek aswell
(I voted for swarm)
First off Blob needs to come to the contest! Also he’s mutant and that alone should be an auto vote, the mutant class has fallen hard and needs the help