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Is Is Hercules getting nerfed kabam before 8.4 drops

WM187WM187 Posts: 11
edited January 26 in General Discussion
Hey kabam mcoc I just had to post this I'm seeing Tons of rumours on Reddit and global chat that Hercules is getting nerfed before 8.4 release I'm huge fan of Hercules and his got me through all of story modes and highly anticipating 8.4 release.

It will be a huge down fall on the mcoc economy if he does get nerfed and I know there tons of people who will post that nerf Hercules after this message i just want a clear answer from one of the kabam mods it said on the next livestream twitch they will announce it.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


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    WM187WM187 Posts: 11
    You can't obviously use Hercules for all paths in story mode maybe I said that out of context but that not the point
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    WM187WM187 Posts: 11
    Emomike said:

    You don't find it boring using the same champ for everything? I hope kabam starts loading up future content with anti herc nodes.

    I hope they do find ways to anti hercules nodes which make it tougher in story mode just like the boss in 8.3 cerastes where Hercules would be a no good option.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,141 ★★★★★
    Emomike said:

    You don't find it boring using the same champ for everything? I hope kabam starts loading up future content with anti herc nodes.

    I hope Kabam deletes morbius
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,666 ★★★★★
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,666 ★★★★★

    Y'all are disgusting, eww.

    Hercules has more in his kit apart from immortality, easy access to true sense, and bg yellow numbers just by a small ramp up, He is great champ even without immortality, So if Kabam introduce anti immortality nodes, Still herc will hit hard, It is more like a balance rather than nerf. So herc still will be a mvp in acr 8.4.

    Also I'm damn sure herc is definitely one among the top 20 best necropolis champions, and I do believe only adam and vox are better than herc in necropolis as cosmic champs, partly because of their 7* status, If herc was 7* without his immortality, He will be the number one cosmic champ in necropolis.

    (I'm yapping cuz I recently ranked my hercules).

    That's funny, I was thinking yesterday about the nimgod defender, and how cosmics weren't used in necropolis much.
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    WM187WM187 Posts: 11

    No Hercules won't be changed he is well past the rebalancing at this period he will be locked behind 6 star and won't be released as 7 star like Quake won't be released as 6 star

    I hope this is true m8 just lets see what mod has to say
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,559 ★★★★★

    Y'all are disgusting, eww.

    Hercules has more in his kit apart from immortality, easy access to true sense, and bg yellow numbers just by a small ramp up, He is great champ even without immortality, So if Kabam introduce anti immortality nodes, Still herc will hit hard, It is more like a balance rather than nerf. So herc still will be a mvp in acr 8.4.

    Also I'm damn sure herc is definitely one among the top 20 best necropolis champions, and I do believe only adam and vox are better than herc in necropolis as cosmic champs, partly because of their 7* status, If herc was 7* without his immortality, He will be the number one cosmic champ in necropolis.

    (I'm yapping cuz I recently ranked my hercules).

    That's funny, I was thinking yesterday about the nimgod defender, and how cosmics weren't used in necropolis much.
    Cosmics and science are the least represented class in necropolis. Also, see, I can't remember of any science champion who is practically good for long form/everest content.

    Human torch is useful for few matchups, and that's it. Hulk + Overseer team costs a lot of units as well.
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    EmomikeEmomike Posts: 219 ★★
    WM187 said:

    Emomike said:

    You don't find it boring using the same champ for everything? I hope kabam starts loading up future content with anti herc nodes.

    I hope they do find ways to anti hercules nodes which make it tougher in story mode just like the boss in 8.3 cerastes where Hercules would be a no good option.
    That boss was easy.
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,287 ★★★★★
    edited January 26
    Another rumour from our good reliant source global chat
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    o_oo_o Posts: 834 ★★★★
    MiniMF said:

    if they wanted to nerf hercules they would've already do it

    I'd frame this a bit differently... i think they'd love to nerf Herc but won't because they know it would set off a truly epic community revolt
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,393 ★★★★
    The only neft Hercules is getting is never being a 7 star since he's too powerful. If you consider that as a nerf, than you are right. 6 star Hercules is not getting a nerf. They might make up nodes to make him less usefull like they did against Ghost and Quake, but they community would be in an uproar if they touch him.
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    EmomikeEmomike Posts: 219 ★★
    PT_99 said:

    Emomike said:

    You don't find it boring using the same champ for everything? I hope kabam starts loading up future content with anti herc nodes.

    I hope Kabam deletes morbius
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    Savage123456789Savage123456789 Posts: 680 ★★★
    I find it funny when people say its boring using herc, well don't use him then, let others that enjoy using him keep using him.
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,483 ★★★★★
    I dont even remember using Herc that much other than the BW fight
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    WM187WM187 Posts: 11

    I find it funny when people say its boring using herc, well don't use him then, let others that enjoy using him keep using him.

    I don't understand why people say using hercules is boring his so much fun well said bro I personally enjoy using hercules his just to good
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