Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

These things need to be updated/reworked badly

the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Posts: 358 ★★★
1- The Solo crystal shards...which allow you to buy upto a max of a Supreme Solo crystal. Please add a new tier of the crystal which is suitable for the progression tier -TB/Paragon/Valiant so players can have some meaningful rewards from these.
There are players just sitting on milions of these shards but don't want to open it cos they don't give anything meaningful and just goes intot the overflow and then expires.

2-6 star dual crystals...costing 12.5k shards instead of just 10k. That amount was justified when the crystal first launched but I feel like the extra 12.5k is no longer needed with 7 star rank 3s exisiting int the game. This should go back to 10k which would match the 5* dual crystal prices.

3- Change Nexus crystals to Abyss Nexus Crystals in future rewards. Nexus crystals are still valuable I understand, for newer players.
The 6* pool has become so huge there is very very high chances of you not pulling anything new or of much value in the 3 choices it provides for Paragon + players. So I feel like its time the rewards in upcoming content just stop giving out 6* nexus and instead switch to the Abyss Nexus altogether. This should allow the players a better choice in the current state of the game. (This would be ofcourse for paragon +/valiant players )

4- ISO availability. The amount of ISO that drops when you duplicate a 6* vs a 5* or even a 7* is the same..this should not be the case. Can a feature be added in the pipeline such that more iso drops when you duplicate higher champion tiers after the 4 * level ?

5- The Summoner sigil rework, the sigil needs an update and also if possible localize its price so that people from different countries can buy it. The Sigil is equivalent to a battle pass that other games also offer. Most have a mechanic such that you can buy the Battle pass again if you complete all the milestones in the current one..so we do not have the buy back mechanism and also there is no localization. If you had either one of these..the battle-pass would have been an even more attractive option for a lot of players and a game changer for players outside of the US/Canada/European regions.
I am mentioning this because even if the Play Store/Apple store does not allow localization or has complexity..this can be integrated into the webstore instead.


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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,865 ★★★★★
    edited January 31
    Agreed with a lot of this.

    The Solo's should have been had an update as the game constantly changes. An update like Paragon/Valiant Solo Shards, or trade-in for better resources would be clutch. Many of us have saved millions of these shards because they're useless, except for the ocassional attack/health/boost. And we can only get so many of those before they're in overflow. At this point, I'll trade my million for some 6* and 7* resources, or even gold. 1 gold nugget per shard would give me 1 million gold. (Kabam just cringed 😂)

    As for the Sigil store, I think there should be other options for us to spend our "super" sigil tokens on. I buy the sigil every month, and enjoy doing the test of the Paragon for the sigil tokens and milestones, but I have no interest in a 7* Scarlett Witch.



    I don't want to stop buying the sigil, but if it doesn't get drastically better, I'm gonna have to.
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,865 ★★★★★
    edited January 31
    DrZola said:

    Just fix input drop/failure and lag. The game feels from time to time like it’s simply struggling under the weight of a decade of developers who graduated from Rube Goldberg School of Coding.

    Dr. Zola

    I agree with this too. We're up against hard hitting 7*'s now, that have massive health pools, and more timed fights, and STUPID nodes. This isn't the time to STILL be having dropped inputs and other issues that lead to massive health loss and KO's. But here we are. Dropped inputs have cost me revives and health pots. 😤
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,760 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Just fix input drop/failure and lag. The game feels from time to time like it’s simply struggling under the weight of a decade of developers who graduated from Rube Goldberg School of Coding.

    Dr. Zola

    I agree with this too. We're up against hard hitting 7*'s now. This isn't the time to be STILL having dropped inputs and other issues that lead to massive health loss and KO's. But here we are. Dropped inputs have cost me revives and health pots. 😤
    Pride of authorship…that would be a nice change. Bugged content and flawed design is far too often the hallmark of this game. Players expect it now, and the team seems determined to deliver on those expectations.

    Dr. Zola
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 3,010 ★★★★
    I agree with all of this but for the Sigil, I hope that Sigil Witch can be obtained in different ways in the future. I am a free to play player and most FTP players don't have access to the sigil store
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    1-Will likely never happen just because people have hoarded so many, it would be impossible to buff them without keeping them worthless or breaking the game economy.

    I feel this could be easily mitigated by forcing the community to open those crystals in return for a rehaul/introduction of a new crystal level. Put out a message stating “you have until xx/xx/xx at xx:xx PST to use these shards, and if they aren’t used all shard fragments will expire and be removed from your account”

    Then start from ground zero with new accumulation moving forward with a higher tier crystal to open.

    Sure it’d piss some people off, but if they aren’t going to make a new one with our hoarded stashes, I’d gladly just pop em all to start anew.
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Just fix input drop/failure and lag. The game feels from time to time like it’s simply struggling under the weight of a decade of developers who graduated from Rube Goldberg School of Coding.

    Dr. Zola

    I have a phone that can run Resident Evil Village with ray tracing. I've played boss fights in MMO with 30 people using special attacks and sorceries at the same time. And, in a game that's nearing the decade, where your character dashes forward and back, can't get it to do what I want it to do and the lag is atrocious.
    This is what we should be talking about, constantly. E.g.
    "And the new champions for February are.....?", "Don't care. When is the game going to be fixed?"
    "This months even brings exciting news!", "Don't care. When is the game going to be fixed?"
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