Seriously, Where do you find the Willpower to Keep Going?

You grind and grind to earn that last piece of 7* shards left to buy that shiny brand new 7* crystal feeling quite accomplished. You then spin the crystal anxiously waiting to see which new champion you get. The crystal stops , it lands on a game breaking top champion. You feel like you’re on top of the world, only to realize that the crystal just now rolled over at the last second to an underperforming champion. In my case it’s happened at least 4 times (Gwen was a Dupe).

Now I don't mind getting bad pulls in a game that's meant to have RNG, but when it lands on a busted champ only to troll over, and it happens multiple times? Now that's one of the worst feelings. Its like that sinking zero-gravity feeling you get in your stomach when you drive over a small hill/bump, at the top of a roller coaster, or right as the elevators about to go down.
All I know is one thing , I don’t think I’ll ever spin a crystal in this game again
With that said, its time to go touch some grass. See you in about 5 hours when the Titan Crystal updates.

Now I don't mind getting bad pulls in a game that's meant to have RNG, but when it lands on a busted champ only to troll over, and it happens multiple times? Now that's one of the worst feelings. Its like that sinking zero-gravity feeling you get in your stomach when you drive over a small hill/bump, at the top of a roller coaster, or right as the elevators about to go down.
All I know is one thing , I don’t think I’ll ever spin a crystal in this game again
With that said, its time to go touch some grass. See you in about 5 hours when the Titan Crystal updates.
If you've managed to read this far, this isn't intended to be a serious post, rather a satirical way for me to vent after that troll-over from Hulk to a Spot
Dragonman? Also a banger.
Terrax? Have you faced him on defense?
The Gwen dupe is certainly not necessary for her playstyle, and it kinda scales a lot at higher sig, but she herself is pretty solid.
Overall, what keeps me playing (especially with new drops of high rarity champs) is finding cool synergies, playstyles, etc from champs that I initially discarded as a dud. Also helpful is getting other people's opinions on who they really like, since that often means that there is something I overlooked in their kit or simply never played them enough to enjoy the champ properly.
Basically the rollover champs were him, Hulk, Sunspot, Domino.
Not arguing the champs to the right of them are bad, but they’re definitely not making that much of an impact in BGs/War to consider using a generic rank up gem I have on. (Maw dupe would be the closest contender but the Science class is just too stacked)
My r2 maw also waiting for it's dupe, instead I have pulled double mid goblin and midma frost from that pool.
Regardless of my poor luck, I decided to pop instead of spin this time, and I got the worst possible opening known to Mankind. I don't think there will ever be another forum post that can top this as The Worst Titan Pull in MCoC History.
Some of my recent pulls before this were Hawkeye, Aarkus, Moondragon, Gorr dupe, Spider gwen dupe, terrax, maw dupe, gambit, stryfe, roblin, sam wilson, and emma.
So I'm asking legitimately, is it possible for accounts to actually get hexed? Not trying to be funny this time, asking seriously as I've seen Kabam remove someones Hercules from their account on here. So anything seems possible.
Time for you to answer lol
Dr. Zola
Opened a 4 Star Relic - Wolverine
Opened a 5 Star Relic - Wolverine ..
A day or two later, managed to get a 6 Star Relic after BGs ... annnnnddddd .... WOLVERINE!
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys use the forum to complain.
I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, I’ve just always been curious on this subject and at times have been paranoid that the people on here that constantly post threads complaining or targetting Kabam might actually have their RNG favored towards a less favorable way. There use to be a lot of talk about the “riig-ray” too which I know is probably just memes and all but still. There was also an article I came across a long time ago when I first started playing the game that said how Kabam has access to patents and 1 of them mentioned something to do with how player spending habbits can impact drop rates or something like that (i don’t really remember cause this was like 4 years ago so I might have misremembered. But im pretty sure the article should still be online somewhere).
Again, I’m not trying to throw shade at Kabam, I’m merely just curious and looking for some clarity.
You also have to admit it is a bit too circumstancial that right after I initially posted this thread , I pulled the worst possible outcome out of opening 2 Titan Crystals... And yes I understand RNG is RNG but this is a 1/(18)^2 or a 0.03% probability.
Part of that comes from a deep assessment of the evidence, and not just a superficial one. For example, you mention patents. A lot of people know Kabam has patents related to loot boxes. Almost no one actually reads them. They maybe know the titles because they are thrown around. I’ve actually read them, and anyone who reads them would not be thinking that perhaps those patents are being used in this game, because the patents describe inventions no one has ever accused Kabam of using, or would be trivial for players to spot. The one involving spending, for example, describes a method for measuring the spending levels of a player, determining if that level of spending drops, and generating more enticing offers to them to encourage them to spend more. Does this a) sound like something Kabam has done in the past and b) could do without players taking notice of it? A detailed review of what their patents actually state as inventions allow me to eliminate them as serious possibilities for MCOC implementation without wondering if there’s some vague possibility.
Then there’s the fatal flaw of most conspiracies, and the fact that this would be a conspiracy is an important factor to consider. If such a feature existed, a sizeable amount of the dev team would have to be in on it, because either they would have noticed its implementation or they would have some awareness of its use. Not only would we have to assume the bulk of the existing dev studio was in on it, but at least some of their hires including current MCOC players would have to be fine with it. And while I have no special insight into the morals of the player hires individually, the odds that all of them would willingly go along with this seems extremely low. And for something like fraudulent crystal manipulation, I doubt NDAs would stop everyone from anonymously dropping info about such a thing.
Then there’s the practical considerations. While I’m not granted access to the source code of this game, I’m familiar enough with how such systems work to know that if such a feature existed, it couldn’t be added casually. There would need to be hooks planted in the reward systems, the auditing and monitoring systems, and interfaces created to actually use the features in some practical way. You don’t spend all that time on a feature you aren’t going to be using. But there are hundreds of thousands of players, at times verifiably over a million active accounts. How many players could the dev team monitor by hand and make manual crystal adjustments for? What possible noticeable impact could that have?
Furthermore, if the intent was to reward or punish behavior of some kind, who would notice? Seriously, who would notice if one crystal drop was non-random? There are people who see crystal conspiracy ghosts everywhere to begin with: they wouldn’t notice a real crystal manipulation with any special significance. Meanwhile everyone else wouldn’t notice anything at all.
Kabam cares about the players. It doesn’t care about any one player. They care about the statistical big picture. If they want to hand out a certain number of a certain drop, they design the crystals to have certain odds and then they set the availability of the crystal shards to be a certain amount. Manually altering the drops of players one player at a time would be meaningless in that context.
If you’re manipulating crystal drops to manipulate how much of certain things get awarded, you’ve failed as a crystal designer, because the correct way to do that is to design the odds and availability to generate those results. If you’re manipulating individual crystal drops to reward or punish specific players, you can’t keep that manipulation a secret or they won’t notice what you’re doing, making the effort unproductive.
Of course there’s also the fact that I’ve been told directly they don’t have this ability. Now, they could be lying to me, but developers have been making statements to me for years. Long before I had direct access to devs, long before I had cooperative relationships with them. So far, they haven’t lied to me, and they’ve had plenty of opportunities to lie in ways they could not possibly have known I would later have the direct ability to uncover. So I have no reason to believe they are lying in this case, and ample reason to believe they are telling the truth.
Reality is not just a bunch of unrelated facts. For something to be true, like the devs have the ability to directly manipulate the drop of a single crystal opened by a specific player, a whole bunch of other things must be true. And those things mandate other things. And each of those things can be independently examined to determine if they are consistent with the thing you’re trying to ascertain the truth of.