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Who else would you R2?

OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
I’ve been holding 2 R2 gems for today’s crystal update, hoping for 2 clear no brainer rank up pulls. I got one (Photon) who is going straight to R2 at the next level up event.

I’m trying to decide whether to use or hold the other one. I’m also trying to ‘queue up’ the champs that I would take to R3, assuming that the 8.4 exploration is going to give us a rank up gem (vs. a generic) so trying to ensure I’ve got one R2 per class ready to go.

I’ve got great R3 options in Mutant (Domino awakened or Sunspot), Cosmic (Venom), and Science (Titania + Photon). Would be happy to take my Sasquatch to R3 short of a better Mystic option, although would obviously prefer to have him awakened first. That said, I really enjoy Dragonman so he is an option as well. All that said, given that I’m weakest in Tech and Skill, that’s where I’m looking first for a possible additional R2.

From a game mode standpoint, my main priority is story content but I do spend enough time in Battlegrounds that it is a priority as well.

Given this, I’m probably looking hardest at either Peni or Mantis, although I’ll admit Mantis isn’t my favorite - in part because I haven’t put in the time to learn her admittedly. I do have a 6* Peni already R4 and awakened.

So what do you all think?

Here is my R2/R3 roster (SpiderHam and Shuri are my R3s).

Here are the R1s (remember that Photon is already going up next level up)

Who else would you R2? 41 votes

Peni Parker (unawakened)
HendrossPikoluItsClobberinTimeSaltE_Wenis69JAYIRITrongNov 6 votes
Mantis (unawakened)
Nesciojcphillips7Messy151whyme_why6AvnishTheShinyDomeNemesis_17Vikings27 8 votes
Mysterio (awakened)
Sagacious0wl13579rebel_Honorable_BluJayQueenMcoc 4 votes
Knull (unawakened)
Charlie21540DeadpoisdeadFrostGiantLordDevelopedPanda0Nacho98 5 votes
Gorr (unawakened)
buffajrcaptain_rogersZ2f6hQQwerasd 4 votes
Crossbones (unawakened)
Shadowcat1331Mystical_fury1 2 votes
Other (please specify)
KeltanSirGamesBondwillrun4adonutTheFifty9SoundBadahSunstar19Mrt9810 7 votes
Save it
Hort4Longshot_33Osfan8AzenstarLicky 5 votes


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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,207 ★★★★
    Mantis (unawakened)
    We have very similar 7* rosters. In the case you stated about wanting a couple r2s of each class by the time 8.4 gets here, I’d probably pick Mantis of all the ones you have. I know you said she isn’t ideal because of you playing her, but I was the same boat and mine is sitting at r2 (awakened though), but she’s proved a killer nuke attacker, is pretty damn good against Photon defenders, and she can make for a semi-tricky defender sometimes.

    As far as tech goes, I’d probably just stay with Shuri for now. I have her at r3 myself, but I also have Shocker which was an easy r2. Your other techs are like mine, and I’d be hesitant to use a gem on any of them. So maybe hold off on that one.

    But finally, congrats on your Photon pull. Right idea with that one as an instant r2!
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★

    We have very similar 7* rosters. In the case you stated about wanting a couple r2s of each class by the time 8.4 gets here, I’d probably pick Mantis of all the ones you have. I know you said she isn’t ideal because of you playing her, but I was the same boat and mine is sitting at r2 (awakened though), but she’s proved a killer nuke attacker, is pretty damn good against Photon defenders, and she can make for a semi-tricky defender sometimes.

    As far as tech goes, I’d probably just stay with Shuri for now. I have her at r3 myself, but I also have Shocker which was an easy r2. Your other techs are like mine, and I’d be hesitant to use a gem on any of them. So maybe hold off on that one.

    But finally, congrats on your Photon pull. Right idea with that one as an instant r2!

    Thanks @jcphillips7 . Yeah, maybe I should just mess around with my Mantis the next few days before the level up event. She certainly would be helpful ranked up in the current BG meta.

    How critical do you think her awakened ability is?
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    BadahBadah Posts: 258 ★★
    Other (please specify)
    Elsa is pretty good!
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,207 ★★★★
    Mantis (unawakened)

    We have very similar 7* rosters. In the case you stated about wanting a couple r2s of each class by the time 8.4 gets here, I’d probably pick Mantis of all the ones you have. I know you said she isn’t ideal because of you playing her, but I was the same boat and mine is sitting at r2 (awakened though), but she’s proved a killer nuke attacker, is pretty damn good against Photon defenders, and she can make for a semi-tricky defender sometimes.

    As far as tech goes, I’d probably just stay with Shuri for now. I have her at r3 myself, but I also have Shocker which was an easy r2. Your other techs are like mine, and I’d be hesitant to use a gem on any of them. So maybe hold off on that one.

    But finally, congrats on your Photon pull. Right idea with that one as an instant r2!

    Thanks @jcphillips7 . Yeah, maybe I should just mess around with my Mantis the next few days before the level up event. She certainly would be helpful ranked up in the current BG meta.

    How critical do you think her awakened ability is?
    Mine is only sig 20, but with how minimal the effects it grants are, I wouldn’t consider it an awakened ability that makes or breaks a champ unlike some others.
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    NescioNescio Posts: 97 ★★
    Mantis (unawakened)
    Mantis' awakening is pretty easy to ignore. The tranq potency isn't enough to really be worth it and doesn't change her performance on science defenders, which is where she's used the most. The tranq pause when it fails a debuff isn't necessary since you can just play slow like Aarkus or Omega red to keep tranq up while attacking.
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,425 ★★★★
    edited February 6
    Oakenshield, I edited your 7* roster (rank1) into one picture.. it's not perfect but they are all there.. (I didn't pick one out, since you know who you enjoy more out of them)

    Btw, you have a lot of great champions to chose from.
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    @psp742 thank you for doing that - I appreciate it
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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,191 ★★★★★
    Rank either Peni or Spidergwen and then rank the other when you can. Both champs are great on their own, but Gwen is a monster with Peni as a synergy partner. And together they cover such a huge swath of utility
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Rank either Peni or Spidergwen and then rank the other when you can. Both champs are great on their own, but Gwen is a monster with Peni as a synergy partner. And together they cover such a huge swath of utility

    I hear you - particularly when also combined with Mysterio. They are for sure a good content combo.
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    So after some experimentation I think it is pretty likely I’m going to take Mantis up. Hadn’t really spent a lot of time with her since her buff and she is much easier now.
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,011 Guardian
    Peni Parker (unawakened)
    I ascended my 6* Peni because of how fun she is to use. Would definitely love a r2 Peni Parker.
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I would also go for Skill or Mystic… Just for the sake of balance.

    But if you are not seeking balance, consider Odin. He doesn’t need the awakening and is overall great (the pre-fights are an added benefit). I took mine up and have zero regrets…

    There is a nice write-up on Reddit:
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    Thanks @Pikolu

    I think I’ve decided to take Mantis first since I don’t have any ranked Skill 7*s and since I only have her as an R3 6*. Peni will be my next one though unless I pull Warlock in the interim.
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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,528 ★★★★★
    Mysterio (awakened)
    Me personally I'd go Mysterio cause he's one of my faves

    I suggest you go with who you want
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    Longshot_33Longshot_33 Posts: 364 ★★★
    Save it
    Your quite right. The R1s are all cheeks. Save
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    TheFifty9SoundTheFifty9Sound Posts: 23
    edited February 7
    Other (please specify)
    For what it’s worth, I am not a very good player and my R3 Venom gets me through everything. He is sleep walking through Carina’s 7 for 7. I can even solo Red Goblin in Necropolis with him. So I think he’d be great for you if you’re focusing on story.

    I do have the Venom relic on him.
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    edited February 7

    For what it’s worth, I am not a very good player and my R3 Venom gets me through everything. He is sleep walking through Carina’s 7 for 7. I can even solo Red Goblin in Necropolis with him. So I think he’d be great for you if you’re focusing on story.

    I do have the Venom relic on him.

    Thanks. My venom is already R2 and agree with you that he is great. I will certainly R3 him if I get a cosmic gem out of 8.4 when it drops.

    I’ve thought about it some more and decided to re-think my rank ups a bit. I’m going to use mats to rank up Photon (vs the gem) and the gems to rank up Mantis and Peni. Main impact is a delay on my R5 of my Silk, but I‘ll go ahead and ascend her now till I get the rest of the mats together to take her up. Should be prioritizing 7*s anyway at this point and my silk already takes just about everyone even as an R4.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★
    Other (please specify)
    I know that you are going for class diversity, but I used my Odin a ton I story content, and not just for his prefights. He's also handy in incursions, and again, not just for his prefights. He's going straight to r2 if I ever pull him.
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    KeltanKeltan Posts: 500 ★★
    Other (please specify)
    I will go with photon or DM
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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    Knull (unawakened)
    I'd go with Knull. Insane DPS, and if you awakne him he is even more of a beast
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