My Thoughts on the game

Hi Im a long term player and Spender on the game I have been feeling for a long time that the game is More and more becoming a pay to win game and the new side event is just showing me that.
Im an avarage to above average player I cleared one path in Necropolis but Im still feeling that the new events are way to difficult for the average player.
Even the rewards are lacking when it comes to daily login rewards.
Paragon needs the valiant crystal and Thronebreaker needs the Paragon crystal and so on to get to the next progression title.
I feel that you Kabam is out of touch with the comunity and the lower level or average players and what we need to grow.
Id like to hear a reply from you on this.
/Mr Fluffy
Im an avarage to above average player I cleared one path in Necropolis but Im still feeling that the new events are way to difficult for the average player.
Even the rewards are lacking when it comes to daily login rewards.
Paragon needs the valiant crystal and Thronebreaker needs the Paragon crystal and so on to get to the next progression title.
I feel that you Kabam is out of touch with the comunity and the lower level or average players and what we need to grow.
Id like to hear a reply from you on this.
/Mr Fluffy
The rewards to it should also be tiered. Having it limited by current title would make sense so players can go up but now down to lower levels.
The daily crystal's do need a revamp and buff. Currently Valiant has very limited range of value but I assume this will change soon.
At this point i have spent 1 thousand plus dollars a month repeatedly. I am likely not going to continue if things remain in the same state they currently are in.
It's though to become valiant? Yes, but not impossible. There is an economy that has to be respected in order for things to work.
People complain too much about the game, but the system is too deep and complicated to run. Having this game running for so long, with its ups and downs, Kabam nailed it, like it or not.