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Should kabam do more maintenace

CharliejiggensCharliejiggens Posts: 594 ★★★
edited February 15 in General Discussion
Does everything think kabam should do more maintenace on the game as in shut the game down for a couple of days like they uset to back in the day so they cam go over all of the bugs a issues this game gets
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,010 Guardian
    Idk if @DNA3000 has anything different to share on this topic than the last one I found, but long story short, the game doesn't need maintenance anymore like it used to.

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    smdam38smdam38 Posts: 920 ★★★
    It wasn’t?
    What was it for?
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,668 ★★★★★
    Yeah, just reboot the server!
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    Wong_98Wong_98 Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    edited February 14

    For people to say the game does not need maintenace are you all ok with the constant bugs that come with every monthly content. the issues in aw the issues that people have to deal with on the daily the bad ai do i need list anymore ??

    Matinence mode won’t help them fix bugs any faster. Games can work on stuff while the app is in use. Idk what language they use, but I’m just gonna say unity for the sake of argument. They can have 5 billion people playing the game at any given moment, but that won’t do anything to stop the developers making hot fixes to help bugs and editing the unity shell
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★

    I do care about what other people think thats not what i ment by i dont care the reason i dont care is that these problems keep getting worse and i just think that kabam should do more maintenace to go over the problems if people dont agree thats cool it dont bother me either way

    We get what you mean but you don't know how any of this works. Everyone that we in the community refer commonly as "devs", are working on the game, it's bugs, it's new content, it's new champs, it's new U.I every single day.

    No developer in their right mind "fixes bugs" during maintenance. Anyone assigned to fixing a bug, works on a version of the game in what could be called a "dev" environment. We play the live version of the game on a "production" environment. If the game needs something patched, they send that to us in a new version of the game.

    This is what those patches look like. These weren't done during maintenance.

    There's no magic button to make things better. The game breaks because of the amount of layers it has. For a mobile game, there's so many interactions that small things become big things.

    For everyone who has made these similar posts, there's nothing that's going to be done quickly. They can't take a month off, hiring more "testers" won't matter, putting the game in maintenance won't work.

    Everyone stop pretending you're a triple A game development studio and speak on things you know instead of stabbing at ideas in the dark.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,668 ★★★★★
    edited February 15
    They should do maintenance on the forums and remove all of the trolls.
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    edited February 15

    Everyone stop pretending you're a triple A game development studio and speak on things you know instead of stabbing at ideas in the dark.

    Hope that includes you, buddy. You barfed a few half cooked concepts there.
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