CCP Carina's Challenge: Whose Challenge is the most reasonable?



  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Lagacy's Challenge (5* Spidey vs Kangs)
    Its like when you’re in school everyone got the assignment and only one person actually understood and delivered because the other two is not fun it’s just a grind and is for like 20 players when I’m sure this game has prob over 50k active players. At no point do I have the resources or will ever consider ranking Thor, ant man etc to rank 4 or above its just a waste of resources, now tigra is a skill gap I consider myself a top player I’ve done everything in game with minimal resources and I suck with tigra and don’t find her play style fun , I use her in BG from time to time and I usually win but I would never say I’m on the level as Fin , same with Zemo he’s at rank 4 and I would never rank 5 him just for 1 content I don’t find his playstyle fun I just place him on defense in BG. Mike and Fin are good people and I have nothing but respect for them and their content but this right here is a disconnect and a BiG Big let down, next time guys just keep in mind not everyone is at your level and have more than your alliance mate in mind when you’re ask to do such task .
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Lagacy's Challenge (5* Spidey vs Kangs)
    I just wanna know who in their right mind chose the fintech challenges over lagacy ones
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