Valiant daily drop rate

Does someone else noticed that t6b and t3a in valiant daily crystal drop rates decreased? About 2-3 weeks ago I pulled it day after the day, but now the whole week straight there's only t5cc or t5cc fragments...
I think good drop rate from it was just dirty valiant promotion.
I think good drop rate from it was just dirty valiant promotion.
it seems more or less random to me. The odds of pulling either T6B or T3A are about 60%-ish combined, slightly better than a coin toss. So you're going to see bursts of weeks with a lot of them and other weeks with few of them, especially if you are only opening seven per week Seven is not a large sample size to be watching coin flips. The most even it can possibly be is 4 days with 3 days without (or vice versa). All other possibilities tend to look like almost all one or the other. 5/2 and 6/1 look like almost all one thing when it happens (and of course 7/0 is all one thing in actual fact).
Here's every Paragon Daily crystal I've ever gotten before turning Valiant:
There's a few players out there that do even more data collection than I do, in other areas of the game. I've seen people's Battlegrounds spreadsheets that make even I go "whoa, calm down there buddy." And the stuff some tier 1 alliance war officers track look like they are managing the logistics for World War 3.
They say writers don't write because they want to, they write because they have to. They are writers. They write. At my heart, I'm an engineer. I can't pick up a clock without wanting to take it apart to see how it works. However, I don't buy clocks. I play video games. And I don't collect data to have a bunch of data. I do it to see the game behind the data.
Also, because not a month goes by that someone doesn't complain about crystals being nerfed.