A message for the community

The new carinas challenges may not be everyones favourite content and we all may have very differing opinions on them, however none of that is a good reason for the hate being put on the content creators who put effort into creating the challenges.
Karatemike is such a positive dude and does so much good for the community.
Lagacy is always honest about his opinions on positive and negative things in the game and again, does so much good for the community.
Fintech has been very clear that he wanted to create a challenge and he has every right to do that as he felt that would be good for the community!
I've seen some incredibly disturbing comments directed towards these awesome guys and I would like to ask everyone who to work together to overshadow the awful comments. Lets show these content creators how much we appreciate the awesome work they do!
TLDR: Be kind to the content creators.
Karatemike is such a positive dude and does so much good for the community.
Lagacy is always honest about his opinions on positive and negative things in the game and again, does so much good for the community.
Fintech has been very clear that he wanted to create a challenge and he has every right to do that as he felt that would be good for the community!
I've seen some incredibly disturbing comments directed towards these awesome guys and I would like to ask everyone who to work together to overshadow the awful comments. Lets show these content creators how much we appreciate the awesome work they do!
TLDR: Be kind to the content creators.
Talk about the rank up resource problems, revive usage, champion limitations or anything like that. Even whether the approach to lock access to highly popular 7* champions behind a content wall that the vast majority of players cannot breach, was actually a good idea in reality.
Just not the CCP members themselves.
The fact that people are actually giving disgusting threats to people over a video game is wild
2) people are wrong for making personal attacks
3) not everyone on the thread was doing so, most were giving constructive criticism and feedback.
4) mike actually responded with insight and gave some suggestions for e.g on zemo vs domino.
5) fin’s response was basically just “git gud”
I don't have nothing else to hate on in these challanges.
Karate keep getting backlash and pushback for hyping Zemo train. And he used his kabam power to make everyone upgrade Zemo.
Sad but true.
Well I'm halfway though upgrading all Avengers and sigging up the important ones. Which I don't mind at all.
I went to karate's stream, I made two comments, in one I expressed my Zemo frustration, in another I appreciated Avengers one. He got to read first, made a snarky comment, "suks, too bad you have to use him for 2 hours straight". I laughed and went my own way.
But Man, some of these replies from the people are way too overboard.
If you can’t see that that’s unhinged, then nobody here is licensed well enough to give you the help you need.
Also I think there’s a divide between Valiant and non-Valiant summoners which only makes it worse when the game either don’t give any chase material for hard content or not enough for their efforts. Think it kind of similar to last year’s cyber weekend where whales could get 10 rank 5s and triple their rosters and ftp gets left in the dust. This sentiment will pass when 8.4 comes out (hopefully).
I will attempt Lagacy’s one as it seemed to be doable (20-30 revives for me) whereas I will not touch EOP or Gauntlet with a 10-foot pole. Still a fan of Karate Mike and have respect for Fintech. Don’t think my opinions on these three changed just because of the challenges.
Only for KarateMike to double down on it. It's hilarious (and I really like Zemo).