Dani moonstar yet again fails at everything
So she was recently " buffed" and it's safe to say that it did ABSOLUTELY nothing. None of her problems were fixed.
That 3rd photo is a match against fury and you can see he has neuroshocks on him. HE WAS KILLED WITH AN SP2 AND HE INFACT DID NOT DIE!!! What did I do wrong now? I managed to bypass his charges and push him to his Sp2 expecting a huge reward from that Sp2 It manages to kill his 1st life but guess what, NO HIT CRIT and THE NEUROSHOCKS DON'T KILL HIS SECOND LIFE. The neuroshocks are supposed to be inflicted upon activation ACCORDING TO HER SO CALLED "BUFF" so why is he not dead?
The 1st and 2nd photos are a side by side comparison on her crit rate and kitty prides crit rate. U can obviously tell which is which because of the MASSIVE DIFFERENCE that's 33% vs 16%. Kitty pryde also has phasing which adds about 1k more crit rating to her base kit. DANI MOONSTAR HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I have a 7star Dani moonstar, a 5* gambit relic equipped and a crit stat activated and can BARELY find 2 hits that crit on her Sp2. She has so much damage locked behind yellow numbers and she doesn't even do them. Who designed this champion? Did they know what they wanted to achieve?She has so much potential but nothing was done in her favor. Why not make the neural arrows increase her crit rate or something. Y'all did NOTHING to make her a better champion.
I am so disappointed
Her falter needs a way to still work vs the skill class. That one thing would vastly improve her. Higher crit rating would be nice though
Dani MIDstar
Get your facts together
I don't know you who u are or recall ever interacting with you.
I may have defended her in the past on here but never said it was related to skill issues
if you like her - good for you.. if you don't - ya don't have to bash her.. let people who enjoy her have their fun.
I hope I pull 6* or 7* Onslaught and/or Dust.. they seem more geared towards my playstyle.