I got a lot to say about Battleground

To my dearest Kabam:
Ive been keeping playing Battleground(BG)recently.
And guess what, all Ive got are only unfairness and exhaustion.I started playing this game in 2018.Everything is just fine until this season.Please check my match history, every opponent, I mean every, is far more stronger than me.I have 1 7 stars rank 3 (7r3)champion, while my opponents have at least 2.I have 2 7r2 champions, but they have at least 10 times than mine.Here is the most crazy thing,their worst champions are even better than my best.So I ask you, with all due respect, how can I defeat them?I try my best everytime,even I defeat their defencer with 100% HP, it will still cost over 100 seconds for their defencers are all 7r3 or 7r2.And for them, my best defencer can only hold them for 30 seconds because their attackers are too much better.The total champion number of me is 3 millions, while the lowest of my opponents is 4.8 millions.You know Kabam, I really curious about your match system.How did you make it?How did you make it so unfair?I want to know the answer eagerly, please tell me.And also tell me please, from the aspect of my opponents, why they can always match someone like me who is far more weaker than them?Where is the fairness?Why can I,whose rank is 3000 or 4000 of this world, always match the top 100 players of this world? Are you joke with me? You know what I cant even find another game which match system is as unfair as your Battleground.I love this game, but I feel like recently this game treat me or other players like me as jokers or toys.Is this the way you give feedback to normal players of MCOC?Say something Kabam, I just want a chance to match someone who is at the same level as me, I just want fairness.
Ive been keeping playing Battleground(BG)recently.
And guess what, all Ive got are only unfairness and exhaustion.I started playing this game in 2018.Everything is just fine until this season.Please check my match history, every opponent, I mean every, is far more stronger than me.I have 1 7 stars rank 3 (7r3)champion, while my opponents have at least 2.I have 2 7r2 champions, but they have at least 10 times than mine.Here is the most crazy thing,their worst champions are even better than my best.So I ask you, with all due respect, how can I defeat them?I try my best everytime,even I defeat their defencer with 100% HP, it will still cost over 100 seconds for their defencers are all 7r3 or 7r2.And for them, my best defencer can only hold them for 30 seconds because their attackers are too much better.The total champion number of me is 3 millions, while the lowest of my opponents is 4.8 millions.You know Kabam, I really curious about your match system.How did you make it?How did you make it so unfair?I want to know the answer eagerly, please tell me.And also tell me please, from the aspect of my opponents, why they can always match someone like me who is far more weaker than them?Where is the fairness?Why can I,whose rank is 3000 or 4000 of this world, always match the top 100 players of this world? Are you joke with me? You know what I cant even find another game which match system is as unfair as your Battleground.I love this game, but I feel like recently this game treat me or other players like me as jokers or toys.Is this the way you give feedback to normal players of MCOC?Say something Kabam, I just want a chance to match someone who is at the same level as me, I just want fairness.
Ok that it's we're getting off topic
Do you talk to your crush daily/regularly? If yes, then ghost her for few days, like maybe a week,
Prepare a good reason for ghosting so she wouldn't get angry. And after a week, ask her how she felt when you didn't talk to her for an entire a week. If she missed you, she value you a lot. Otherwise, she's just a friend.