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New BG Emotes/Return of Emotes anytime soon?

I know the jury is split on these, but I kinda like them.

Really, more than anything, I just want you to bring the Captain America salute one back. I am a fan of having one that, win or lose, I can send to indicate that I enjoyed the competition.

It is strange that there are none of them available anywhere to get anymore and haven't been for a long time now.


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    I like Captain America salute too buddy.Always send it to my opponents to show my respect.I think it should be sold in shops at least.
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,976 ★★★★★
    edited February 23
    I wish I could get that one as well, but I believe it was for money when it came out?

    I'm not spending cash on emotes, lol
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    jdschwjdschw Posts: 250 ★★
    Yeah, i wish i could get that emote for the sane reason. It's the only one I feel is really respectful. All the others can be taken as taunts to some extent.
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    GlassbackGlassback Posts: 444 ★★★
    Yeah I end up using the sad face hell to show that I acknowledge that I won and they were close because the others are a bit “goody” for me.

    I really want the cap emote, I didn’t have a great BG roster when they first came out but now I’m quite into BG and feel like I missed the boat a little.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,718 ★★★★★
    Y'all are too soft. Man up and spam Loki Emote like a absolute chad
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    AnmaelAnmael Posts: 72
    Reviving this, in case you are listening @Kabam Miike
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    Guest120193746239Guest120193746239 Posts: 240 ★★
    The mute button is a thing for people who don't like them. I do it at the start of every match. If it's a close one I'll unmute at the end and give them the cap emote
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    AnmaelAnmael Posts: 72
    Kinda the way I would like to roll. Have rarely had an experience where someone is rubbing my nose in it or anything, but I really like saying I respect the competition. I am currently using the pointing Cap to try to do the same thing, but the salute is far more clear in its intent. A couple other options like that wouldn't hurt...
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,976 ★★★★★
    Anmael said:

    Kinda the way I would like to roll. Have rarely had an experience where someone is rubbing my nose in it or anything, but I really like saying I respect the competition. I am currently using the pointing Cap to try to do the same thing, but the salute is far more clear in its intent. A couple other options like that wouldn't hurt...

    Same here, or the Longshot wink one.
    The only time I use login is when I screw the pooch and lose the round, especially when I am trying something to see if it works and find out that it doesn't work and I get smashed in 20 seconds, lol
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