Lag report, left side touch [edit for clarity]
These event quests will be gone in about 3 days so it is pretty obvious you guys will not be doing anything until then. The game has been randomly lagging since yesterday and my left side touch controls are not responding when I want to block and swipe which means I cannot finish this explorarion because I refuse to pay anything for your mistakes, this is a known problem and the real mods cannot reply so you got some others to fill in for now to close threads whenever they feel like it, you started this year with a different calender lets hope you can also have a game stable enough as well with the first update of the year. So hopefully you temporary mods can pass this on when the rest of your team returns.
Post edited by Kabam Sophia on
Kabam: no
Us: More storage space for T2A catalysts
Kabam: NO
kAbAm:::: nO
You know that Kabam's favourite word is 'no', right?
OS Version:
Issue appears on solid Wifi Connection, or only on data?
Only happening in Event Quests, or other areas of the game?
Does this only affect specific heroes?
Any other particulars that may assist our teams?
Thank you again for your reports!
Android 7.0
Wifi or mobile data best signal high speed same result
Any part of the game such as alliance quest/war and story and event quests.
Multiple champions used.
@Kabam Sophia Also can you please tell the person flagging all my posts to stop I am just being targeted by someone who just has pure hate for me at this point.
Latest IOS
All over
No specific hero
Galaxy S8+
Android 7.0
Wifi & data
All over
No specific hero
Plz fix!!!!! This is driving me crazy. Really thinking of quitting the game!
Latest ios
Strong fibre wifi
Happening to all forms of game and all story and event quests
Lastest update
Happens all over the game also sometime hut the specail and nothing happens i stopped doing 5.4 when i realized it was happing cost me way to much..
Somebody flags almost everything
Great wifi with on high end tri band router.
All heroes
It's unequivicablly the game and not external sources.
If some people can play smooth thats great and at this point it's a technological alchemic reaction as no substantial info is ever released. Only theory from the community
There is a vast demographic that can't play smoothly after the release of the update 12.0 and they are a large customer base.
Here's a massive thread trying to address the issue mostly constructed by a frustrated player base sitting at 544 comments