I did that with a 5-star rank 4 unduped Blade today, which took me 4 revives with full healing. parry and Spam sp1, disable the dexterity mastery so she doesn't heal up. Went the IW path.
Who’s your strongest bleed champ? The Medusa boss can only be damaged via bleed
I think it’s Clair
Claire works but it’s gonna be a long fight, her bleed damage isn’t very high
You’re better off using Domino, Old Man Logan, Namor or Ronin
Wish I had Domino she’s so good How about ghost??
Ghost isn’t able to inflict bleed debuffs on the defender.. You can use Claire (it would a very long fight though), Archangel, Longshot (If I’m not mistaken, Longshot inflicts bleed debuffs), and Ronin. Just keep in mind that the Medusa boss will need a bleed champ to defeat her. ^^ (Sorry for the VERY late response..)
Invisible woman’s one!
You’re better off using Domino, Old Man Logan, Namor or Ronin
How about ghost??
Just keep in mind that the Medusa boss will need a bleed champ to defeat her. ^^
(Sorry for the VERY late response..)