Valiant daily special for paragon players?

I thought I would check the store to see if anything worth investing but realised there’s a new valiant daily special however, I’m paragon? Is this correct?


I had a few Paragon stamps waiting for me when I hit that progression.
not currently Valiant, but just traded in stamps on that. o)
In same context, As Paragon player can purchase the Valiant daily offers but will have to wait till reach Valiant before can use the acquired 🎟 🎫 🎟 🎫 🎟 🎫 🎟 tickets.
I'm currently PG, and HAVE already redeemed Valiant selectors.
still, the "1 progression level above you" applies.
I’ve been buying the paragon and valiant every Sunday, the deals seem a little better that day.