Retirement ally receuiting

Trying to fill up a retirement ally. Love to still be competitive, but want no one stressing about anything..just fun and do what you like!

Currently doing 2 groups of AQ and AW, but happy to open up more if needed.

Add me in game DudeMaGude


  • hobohobo Member Posts: 88
    Casual Alliance looking for an active BG to join our team. We're an alliance of mostly veteran players who like to keep it fairly casual with Alliance Quests being our only real requirement, we typically run 5 4 3 but if your BG wants to aim higher we won't stop you. We also typically run a 1 BG war for those who are interested in joining.
    AP 14400
    AR 5800000
    Average member 240000
    Tag NJAH!
    Discord is a must for Alliance communications.
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