How much units are enough for Necro Completion with R4 Ascended Aegon

Hi planning for completion of Necro with my R4 Aegon, how much units will be safe for an average player for completion.
Aegon(r4 ascended+ 4 star relic) + proxima
Wong (7* r2 + 5* relic)
I had 90 revives and it took me about 45 to do path 1 , WONG IS AN ABSOLUTE MVP IF YOU HAVE HIM,
It will be expensive without him, cause the most revives I spent were on the aegon fights so somewhere around 100 revives should suffice if you're not as rusty with aegon as I was, you could probably do it with about 80 revives
Took around 80 revives with some units in tht gm fight .
If you have aroun d80 revives & 2k+ units . U will b good
100 revives for first try is good safe bet.
Take AegonGod to r5 if you want to 100% Necro
2500 will get you 75 revives and a load of potions.
Then plan for another 1.5-2k units and you’ll be ok.