Kabam Can you make every 30th 6* featured be nexus and 50th be abyss nexus?

From a frustrated player that opened about 40 featured 6* and no Onslaught, no White Tiger, and no Cheeilth. Honestly, onslaught and white tiger are my top 2 wanted in this pool. So you know how terrible and disappointed I was. I will probably keep up on buying featured 6*, but it feels like I can't get them forever. Yeah, it's so frustrating
30th/50th is a reasonable number corresponding to 450k/750k shards in total, which is Not easy to do for most players. More importantly, a lot of players will successively pull up what they want and stop buying before the 30th/50th tries. Nexus or abyss nexus is not that 100% guaranteed thing but it at least provides some hope and relief.
So it is like designed more for desperate and unlucky players.
Anyway, given that 6* is becoming less important in the game and those featured champs are also available as 7*. It's not a bad idea to have such a change in a 3-month-long featured pool.
I didn't dig deep into the economy in this game, so the number (30th/50th) and approach (nexus or whatever) are negotiable and open to any change
30th/50th is a reasonable number corresponding to 450k/750k shards in total, which is Not easy to do for most players. More importantly, a lot of players will successively pull up what they want and stop buying before the 30th/50th tries. Nexus or abyss nexus is not that 100% guaranteed thing but it at least provides some hope and relief.
So it is like designed more for desperate and unlucky players.
Anyway, given that 6* is becoming less important in the game and those featured champs are also available as 7*. It's not a bad idea to have such a change in a 3-month-long featured pool.
I didn't dig deep into the economy in this game, so the number (30th/50th) and approach (nexus or whatever) are negotiable and open to any change
BUY 10 AND POP I DID THAT AND GOT 4/6 of the features and I have over 320k shards left because I got everyone I initially came for
You're putting more trouble on yourself by watching these crystals spin
I keep saying it but y'all don't be listening
I would recommend to pop 10 crystal sometimes it works.
Might be just luck, might not be, who knows, popping has worked better than spinning for me that's all I know.
Is there a chance at all that Kabam would do this? HELL no lol
And I know people will say "it's just RNG" but for me it's just weird, I've pulled every single featured for the past year and a half this way and this one was no different. I never pop more than 50 of these so it's not even like I'm grinding a ton for shards.
Anyway, guess what I got today.
This is my 46th/47th pull-up I guess. And finally get my boy through spinning!
Rank up, ascension, and make him max sig immediately!
But I will keep up with my idea that make a crystal be nexus or whatever after u hit a certain amount of number.
In other words, it helps a very tiny percentage of players, and specifically the ones that are already getting a ton of rewards. It is helping the players who least need help the least.
Plus, there is already a mercy rule built into champion crystals. You want to have a special reward for players who open 30 or 50 featured 6* crystals. But there's already a benefit for players who open a lot of 6* crystals. It is a 7* crystal. That's already a better reward. That's why those duplication shards exist.
It is interesting to me how those dup shards have been there since practically forever and are a great mercy rule on crystals - open enough of one rarity and you get a higher rarity crystal for free - and people just treat them like that's just obviously supposed to happen automatically so it doesn't count. In fact, I often hear players say how other games have mercy rules on lootboxes and why don't we. But we have one of the better ones already.