Error when putting iso in serpant

McmissileMcmissile Member Posts: 36
Hi I got this error each time when I put iso into serpent, it crashes the game


  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,289 ★★★★★
    Seeing as you took him to level 17 its not each time. I think the game is trying to help you to not use the wrong class iso. We don't like wasting resources.
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★★

    Seeing as you took him to level 17 its not each time. I think the game is trying to help you to not use the wrong class iso. We don't like wasting resources.

    Yknow I tried to follow the iso law but I didn't like not max leveling champs so now I use the wrong class iso 24/7😱😱
  • McmissileMcmissile Member Posts: 36
    @Kabam Miike this is still happening btw
  • McmissileMcmissile Member Posts: 36
    Also happen when ascending him
    @Kabam Zibiit
  • McmissileMcmissile Member Posts: 36

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