Overcomplication of side quest

It's kinda crazy that every side quest now has 3-4 milestone events going on, with each having specific ways to grant points, with each giving a specific type of entry ticket to 10 different quests and boosts to use in the 11th quest, with a weekly resetting store, Like its nice to have stuff to do but all you need is one event milestone for entry tickets, 1 quest to explore throughout the month as many paths as we get entries, and instead of a third event milestone for rewards just place them on the paths with the mysterium. easy 1 quest 1 milestone event, like all these 11 quests couldve been 1 path each into 1 quest and u pick where to go or sum idk
Thank you rich the haunted man for the spreadsheet.
I literally forgot which side quests have I done cuz there's so many of them. So I had to enter each of them to check the completed paths. It's annoying.
The monthly announcements on the forum and in-game messages are too long and moreover incomplete.
Forget the long text and overcomplicated quests! Invest in infographics!
« A picture says more than a thousand words. »
And please stop with « Why do simple when we can do complex. »
Referring to the finish each other's sentences Knullification crystals objectives for reference.
Because except the 2 objectives for Paragorn+, I don’t see any difference in the solo events.
Legit lmfao when I read this.
I don't know, personally when this SQ started I did my arenas and with 1 pass I was done halfway with the flower Event, then I did 1 SQ lvl 5 with the champs classes in the objectives ...
People tend to overthink some simple stuff.