Battlegrounds the good, the ugly and the reality

Marcus_TBDMarcus_TBD Member Posts: 31
Welcome to my TED talk. First and foremost, if you're not here to read a lengthy post, there will be a TLDR at the bottom—you're welcome. Next, I will preface this by saying these are my opinions, and opinions aren't facts, so take them with a grain of salt. I've been playing Battle Grounds since I unlocked the game mode last year on my way to Paragon. I hit the Gladiator circuit for the very first time on June 14th, 2023.

Like most, I was too weak to push any higher and camped at Uru, no harm no foul. As time went on and I started learning and understanding matchups, I began punching above my weight, facing players with rosters that were stacked but winning by outplaying or sheer luck (full transparency). Like those montages you see in training videos, I went from Uru finishes to Quantum. As the year started coming to an end, Valiant!! Context is needed for sure. I would call myself a dolphin or a minnow. I buy during holiday events and arena grind from time to time, but deals that come every week aren't for me. Like everyone else in the game, I did one path of necro and was going to wait until cyber or 8.4, but with necro rewards out, if you didn't 100% necro, you're already down the moment the match starts, which is fair because if you put in the effort, you deserve the advantage. But when you set those restrictions behind a revive nerf, an auto-death timer essentially, it forces you to either whale or stay stagnant. It's like telling a fish to breathe oxygen when all it knows is water (results may vary).

I first went in and tried to figure out a way to still win even at a disadvantage, as you probably assume, 7* rank 2 Maestro on release was a menace with no counter, instant loss. So like most, I bought cyber, and with the units I was planning on saving for banquet, I explored all of necro through screaming, yelling, and long fights. Now, with the new improvements to the account, I wasn't just on the playing field as my opponents; I was above them. Don't get me wrong, I realize money speaks and Kabam listens. My opponents were the kids at a restaurant making noise, running around, and Kabam was the person who put their leg out (allegedly, of course). Following the account change, I made it to Mysterium, but I couldn't keep it because the roster wasn't the only thing you needed.

So, from the months of November to January, I consumed data on matchups, drafting, meta, rank-up, etc. (yes, I'm a sweat, sue me). I started watching YouTubers and talking to players who are normally in the top 200 in the world casually. Also, I started early-season pushing, grinding as soon as I could to get GC—normally it takes me two days, one day if the node is really easy. This year, 2024, I decided to become as F2P as possible, lightly spending on sigils and units. Unfortunately, the game economy doesn't care about epiphanies you have. Following the release of pre-release bundles, Battle Grounds has become who's got the biggest pockets.

Before I proceed, is this a safe space? I know the irony—you spent and got ahead, now you're complaining. Please put the pitchforks down for a moment. The bundle doesn't just give access to the new champ; with the new trend of unavoidable damage and un-dexable champs, it gives an auto-win. P.S. If you're going to say just ban it, you've missed the point. With the vast access to these champs that won't be released for months and ever-changing nodes, you can't ban everything. Trust me, I've tried.

Through all that, in February 2024, I finally finished C6. Content, yes; happy, no. Here's why: I had to buy Bullseye in order to compete. ( had was a choice in this case ) Had I not, I don't think I would've gotten it. Following the lack of rewards and every bit of T4 gatekept like a prisoner in Alcatraz, you literally can't grow. (Yes, I know they updated the store and plan on changing that before you come for me). My account, personally speaking, doesn't change ever. I clear content within one to two days of its release, which leaves BGs as the main source of me logging in. Now, with pre-release sales coming every month, it's unbearable. Hear me out; I know they are a company and they need to make money. A clear example: This meta started out like every meta, started Plat 1, pushed to Vibranium pretty easily, then started getting stuck, which is fine. Day 1 of pushing are mainly top BG players, so losing doesn't fret me. But day 2, pre-release day...

First, I tried to ban him, but I realized that I can't avoid him because next month another two potential menaces are coming. Can't seem to beat him, or I beat him but lose on HP or time. Following me hitting GC, the node "Zero to Hero" has shown me everyone and their mother has Juggs and Kushula, and for those of you who don't know or may not understand why that's an issue, I advise you to watch any stream of someone playing them. Now, on my bans are two top-tier mystics I don't have and a new champ, which leaves all their rank 3s and ascended good attackers in a situation where you just lose. When the game mode I cherish a lot turns to this, it ruins the fun aspects of Battle Grounds and makes it so you auto-lose the moment you match or finish your draft. If you don't trust me right now, as I'm writing this, having 0 points places you in M1. Winning one game puts you in low C5, high C6.

Again, as i stated in the beginning these are just my thoughts. Do with it what you will; I just wanted to start the convo on what's a player to do at the late stage of the game when there error reload bug, node sometimes not working, your opponent having the newest champs, and with the incoming solo and alliance milestones i fear my post is just a catalyst ( yes i did that ) to the incoming in season 17.

TLDR : battlegrounds was originally a fun game mode that explored the different aspect of the game besides campaign war and aq but now its becoming a dead mode where money speaks more then game knowledge and experience. I the original poster give my start to now of my journey of battle grounds and asking you the reader if you can relate and your opinions on the topic?

IF you made it this far thank you for coming to my tedtalk if you just read the TLDR thank you for reading the brief summary.


  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    Well said, i saw things in reverse. I normally dont get very lucky with crystal openings but two months in a row i got good results from prime gaming giveaway. First 5* Onslaught, who i r5'ed and ascended then max sigged. Second 6* Bullseye, who is r4'ed and just recently duped.

    For two months, i have been claiming free wins by putting them on defense until this season where people have managed to beat them easily. I am not talking about GC here but paragon and valiant VT players. Normally, they dont get banned because o have 7r2 ans 6r5 ascended champs that are bulky, which are picked first. Kind of scary, what a difference these new OP champs are making.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★
    Possibly speaking only for myself, but in my humble opinion, the issue with battlegrounds starts before battlegrounds with rankup decisions.

    I'm a spender, and as OP mentioned the pre-release bundles, I have all of those nasty defenders (Onslaught, Bullseye, Serpent, and soon to be Destroyer) as 6* champs.

    The problem for me though, is that the rational investment in a 6* stops at r3 for me. Sure, each of those champs would be absolutely ridiculous as 6*r5 champs in BGs, but what else am I doing with them?

    I have 2 7*r3, 22 7*r2, and 15 6*r5 (all but 2 of them are ascended).

    Basically, there's no current content in game I couldn't do with the roster I have.

    That leaves me with investing precious resources (for my alliance, I don't pull tons of t5cc), in 6* champs that only provide value to me in BGs, or 7* champs that have a much broader future in the game.

    To take a 6* champ from r3 to r5 requires a total of 9 t6b, 9 t3a, and 3 t5 class cats.

    To take a 7* champ from r1 to r2, where there is still room to grow in the future, costs 7 t6b, 7 t3a, and 4 t5 class cats.

    Personally, I just can't swallow that pill.

    TLDR; The resources required to max out a 6* seem out of balance with those required to rank up a 7*, and in my opinion should be lower.

    This is where the wide gaps in BGs come into play. If BGs is the core focus of your game play, it probably makes sense to invest in the 6* rarity of those new ridiculous defenders. But if BGs are anything equal to or less than a casual game play mode, 6* are quickly fading into obsolescence.
  • Logan00Logan00 Member Posts: 621 ★★★
    In summary, the reality is that currently is a mess, controls all over the place and the AI is nonsense
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,954 Guardian
    I've never been a fan of BGs myself, and this was definitely something I was worried about, and one of the biggest reasons I've personally never pushed in BGs. BGs REQUIRES a massive roster (ie up to date spending) as well as good skill. It is unfortunate but this has been exacerbated with the newer bundles that provide 6* for a price. This is hopefully a temporary pain, when we move to 7* this will slowly cease. Hopefully.
  • Marcus_TBDMarcus_TBD Member Posts: 31

    I've never been a fan of BGs myself, and this was definitely something I was worried about, and one of the biggest reasons I've personally never pushed in BGs. BGs REQUIRES a massive roster (ie up to date spending) as well as good skill. It is unfortunate but this has been exacerbated with the newer bundles that provide 6* for a price. This is hopefully a temporary pain, when we move to 7* this will slowly cease. Hopefully.

    I fear with the addition of dust the new 6 stars can compete with 7 star rank 2s and most of the newely released champs need high sig or awakening so not getting the 7 star isnt even a bad issue cause 9/10 youd need to spend more to awaken it
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★

    I've never been a fan of BGs myself, and this was definitely something I was worried about, and one of the biggest reasons I've personally never pushed in BGs. BGs REQUIRES a massive roster (ie up to date spending) as well as good skill. It is unfortunate but this has been exacerbated with the newer bundles that provide 6* for a price. This is hopefully a temporary pain, when we move to 7* this will slowly cease. Hopefully.

    Hopefully a temporary pain, but could see it being the trend as long as they keep Titan shards under lock and key like they do. I bought the Serpent bundle and plan to buy the Destroyer bundle when he releases on the 19th and take him to r5, possibly ascended. Why? Because when April starts and the last WoW comes out, I'll have enough shards to open ONE Titan. Do I get Bullseye, Serpent, Destroyer, Dust, etc? Who knows...but odds aren't favorable, and then it's another 2 month waiting game for me to open my next crystal given the flow of those shards they've been giving.

    Because of this, those new champs have become a lot more valuable in the eyes of many because you can essentially bring them up to a power level of a 7r2.5 right away, and at max sig to boot. And who knows how long it will be before you get their 7* counterpart, let alone awaken.
  • Marcus_TBDMarcus_TBD Member Posts: 31

    I've never been a fan of BGs myself, and this was definitely something I was worried about, and one of the biggest reasons I've personally never pushed in BGs. BGs REQUIRES a massive roster (ie up to date spending) as well as good skill. It is unfortunate but this has been exacerbated with the newer bundles that provide 6* for a price. This is hopefully a temporary pain, when we move to 7* this will slowly cease. Hopefully.

    Hopefully a temporary pain, but could see it being the trend as long as they keep Titan shards under lock and key like they do. I bought the Serpent bundle and plan to buy the Destroyer bundle when he releases on the 19th and take him to r5, possibly ascended. Why? Because when April starts and the last WoW comes out, I'll have enough shards to open ONE Titan. Do I get Bullseye, Serpent, Destroyer, Dust, etc? Who knows...but odds aren't favorable, and then it's another 2 month waiting game for me to open my next crystal given the flow of those shards they've been giving.

    Because of this, those new champs have become a lot more valuable in the eyes of many because you can essentially bring them up to a power level of a 7r2.5 right away, and at max sig to boot. And who knows how long it will be before you get their 7* counterpart, let alone awaken.
    Spot on with your post ( discussion post cringe) but you are absolutely correct with the way titan shards are hidden and how long feature crystals take to come out its rough. a prime example is onslaught came out in December he wasn't in the feature till beginning of March that's approximately 3 metas (mind the math) following him coming into the crystals doesn't mean you will acquire him. Not saying its not an option but by the time you get the defender everyone has already figured out his or her mechanic and counters that its not as relevant
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,459 ★★★★
    Amazing write up, I agree
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,954 Guardian

    I've never been a fan of BGs myself, and this was definitely something I was worried about, and one of the biggest reasons I've personally never pushed in BGs. BGs REQUIRES a massive roster (ie up to date spending) as well as good skill. It is unfortunate but this has been exacerbated with the newer bundles that provide 6* for a price. This is hopefully a temporary pain, when we move to 7* this will slowly cease. Hopefully.

    I fear with the addition of dust the new 6 stars can compete with 7 star rank 2s and most of the newely released champs need high sig or awakening so not getting the 7 star isnt even a bad issue cause 9/10 youd need to spend more to awaken it
    This is true. If you are top of the BG chain, you HAVE to get the new defenders. Unfortunately that is the reality of top level gameplay, whether it be BGs or war, or AQ.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★

    I've never been a fan of BGs myself, and this was definitely something I was worried about, and one of the biggest reasons I've personally never pushed in BGs. BGs REQUIRES a massive roster (ie up to date spending) as well as good skill. It is unfortunate but this has been exacerbated with the newer bundles that provide 6* for a price. This is hopefully a temporary pain, when we move to 7* this will slowly cease. Hopefully.

    I fear with the addition of dust the new 6 stars can compete with 7 star rank 2s and most of the newely released champs need high sig or awakening so not getting the 7 star isnt even a bad issue cause 9/10 youd need to spend more to awaken it
    This is true. If you are top of the BG chain, you HAVE to get the new defenders. Unfortunately that is the reality of top level gameplay, whether it be BGs or war, or AQ.
    Before Serpent, I hadn’t purchased a pre-release bundle since Onslaught (the first I was able to get post-Valiant), but I find myself wishing I hadn’t ignored the Bullseye bundle. I had 2 Titan opening going into February, so I had hope to pull his 7* and forget about his 6*, but no dice. And now I’m at about 28 featured openings and he’s the only one I haven’t pulled from the new champs. He’ll come eventually, but this is a little over 2 months now I’ve not been able to have him in my deck or on AW defense, and it currently looks like he’s one of the catalyst champs you need to compete.
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