Will Bullseye get nerfed?



  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    ahmynuts said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    Damn. Bro is living in 2028 with R6 hulking and AA
    It just means they’re r5 ascended
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    i use iceman r5 sig 200(bleed immune, tanky af, counter evade) so he should be a perfect counter to bullseye right ? Right? No, f sake, even with iceman, i still lost 10%+ hp every time against a r4 bs. cuz his sp1 is the most stupid design ever since 12.0. No direct counter to that (oh well, kitty might work) but you are talking that a champ that only have 1 or 2 counter. That is not fun at all.

    but my opponent will suffer the same as me now hehe. Rank him up!
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    That’s what people say when they’re r5 ascended. They just say r6 lmao
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    i just pulled him so yes
  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    I've been practicing how to parry most of Bullseye's sp1 hits and it severely mitigates damage taken through block. It also stops the instant bleeds from triggering so if you got a bad draft you can still use your non bleed immune champs.
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
    Hard counter means you finish a fight quickly and finish at near or full yellow bar. Which all those champions simply do.

    You’re coping grabbing numbers out of who knows where to make it look like you said something profound.

    If you can parry his special hits it doesn’t do as much dmg I’ve fought him plenty of times in bgs.
    You’re probably just holding block and just letting him bash you in.

    P.S r6 is just a r5 ascended champ. Cuz that’s what it is… 🤦🏽‍♂️
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,229 ★★★★★
    Skyfaw said:

    That’s what people say when they’re r5 ascended. They just say r6 lmao

    That's what you say, lol. I've never seen another person say r6 for ascension.
    1. Ascension != a r6
    2. There is already r6 coded into the game with seven stars. What are you going to call those when we get there? R7?
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    ahmynuts said:

    Skyfaw said:

    That’s what people say when they’re r5 ascended. They just say r6 lmao

    That's what you say, lol. I've never seen another person say r6 for ascension.
    1. Ascension != a r6
    2. There is already r6 coded into the game with seven stars. What are you going to call those when we get there? R7?
    Ascension just = a rank up in power
    I wasn’t the one who came up with it. I’ve seen streamers say it and makes sense to me. Imagine saying r5 ascended all the time it’s kinda of a mouthful. Don’t know why you making a big deal out of it.

    Checks out to me lol
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,179 ★★★★★
    Skyfaw said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Skyfaw said:

    That’s what people say when they’re r5 ascended. They just say r6 lmao

    That's what you say, lol. I've never seen another person say r6 for ascension.
    1. Ascension != a r6
    2. There is already r6 coded into the game with seven stars. What are you going to call those when we get there? R7?
    Ascension just = a rank up in power
    I wasn’t the one who came up with it. I’ve seen streamers say it and makes sense to me. Imagine saying r5 ascended all the time it’s kinda of a mouthful. Don’t know why you making a big deal out of it.

    Checks out to me lol
    Because it's both factually and logically incorrect.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
    Hard counter means you finish a fight quickly and finish at near or full yellow bar. Which all those champions simply do.

    You’re coping grabbing numbers out of who knows where to make it look like you said something profound.

    If you can parry his special hits it doesn’t do as much dmg I’ve fought him plenty of times in bgs.
    You’re probably just holding block and just letting him bash you in.

    P.S r6 is just a r5 ascended champ. Cuz that’s what it is… 🤦🏽‍♂️
    That's not what hard counter means Einstein. In order to be a hard counter the champ has to have offensive abilities that counter ALL of the defender's powerful defensive abilities, none of the champs you mentioned counter all of them. They counter one or the other but not both.

    Then the reason you're mitigating some of that damage is because you're skilled and can perfect block his special completely, not because the champs you're using counter him (yes Sunspot can perfect block with barely any effort but he doesn't counter the evade therefore not a hard counter). Great job you just proved my point! They aren't hard counters, they're decent counters but in order to play the fight perfectly with them you still have to be a skilled player, if they were hard counters the noobs wouldn't struggle because the champ would be doing most of the work for them.

    Literally nobody calls them r6 lmao.
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 171 ★★
    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    not to be rude, but why do people say ironheart is a good onslaught counter, she crits and is metal, i thought thats a bad combo against him, i understand that she can parry him and ignore daunted but shes going to be ticking down more than any non metal champ, currently shocker and cap sam seem like some of the better counters, no crit non metal
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    victor158 said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    what part of her hit does xbones and mantis not counter? even ramped kate, kingpin, chee, taskmaster work, and if u play around her charges u can use basically anyone with good dmg like hulkling
    All of them are screwed if she goes into pure light (if you're skilled enough you can play around that too of course), they have nothing to counter the unblockable specials.
    Also, you literally just said it yourself "play around her charges". With a hard counter you don't have to play around anything cause the champ can deal with everything in the defender's kit just by existing. That's why it's called a hard counter and not a counter.

    And again, yes I don't have any issues with Photon she doesn't require counters just skilled gameplay this however doesn't change the fact that she doesn't have any hard counters who can shut down all of her annoying abilities effectively in BGs without wasting a ton of time (example Kate cause she has to go for one or two sp1s just so she doesn't get any debuffs on her and then start dealing damage with coldsnap, too long for BGs).
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
    Hard counter means you finish a fight quickly and finish at near or full yellow bar. Which all those champions simply do.

    You’re coping grabbing numbers out of who knows where to make it look like you said something profound.

    If you can parry his special hits it doesn’t do as much dmg I’ve fought him plenty of times in bgs.
    You’re probably just holding block and just letting him bash you in.

    P.S r6 is just a r5 ascended champ. Cuz that’s what it is… 🤦🏽‍♂️
    That's not what hard counter means Einstein. In order to be a hard counter the champ has to have offensive abilities that counter ALL of the defender's powerful defensive abilities, none of the champs you mentioned counter all of them. They counter one or the other but not both.

    Then the reason you're mitigating some of that damage is because you're skilled and can perfect block his special completely, not because the champs you're using counter him (yes Sunspot can perfect block with barely any effort but he doesn't counter the evade therefore not a hard counter). Great job you just proved my point! They aren't hard counters, they're decent counters but in order to play the fight perfectly with them you still have to be a skilled player, if they were hard counters the noobs wouldn't struggle because the champ would be doing most of the work for them.

    Literally nobody calls them r6 lmao.
    By your logic then bishop is not a hard counter to Korg cuz he not immune to his thorn dmg. In fact no one really (except Namor but Korg bleed immune) is but there are ways to get around it. If you can do a fight in a reasonable time with full or high health then that’s a hard counter.

    There are champs that can simply bypass around champs abilities and there already champs in game that can do that against bullseye. I haven’t even mentioned cheese counters against him.

    Such as weapon flex, kitty pride. You could also just time it with NF second life. You could also just use warlock or red skull and not even let him get to 1 bar of power. Shoutout to darthghost he just cooked him with Jabari panther no damage taken. There so many ways to fight bullseye already. Just say you want kabam to add saitama into the game to 1 shot everyone.

    I got r6 from andrewtheruff and zachthesword stream. 😊

    Hope this helps or maybe try out these different champs next time you encounter that cheat code.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    Reason I say no is Archangel melts him like butter Both storms also melt him... 😎
    They didn't change Kindred and Photon I doubt they'll change Bullseye
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 275 ★★★
    I have already quit game. Bullseye killed me
    How do you get those sweet bars on your profile picture 😂😂? You get thrown in the Kabam slammer?
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
    Hard counter means you finish a fight quickly and finish at near or full yellow bar. Which all those champions simply do.

    You’re coping grabbing numbers out of who knows where to make it look like you said something profound.

    If you can parry his special hits it doesn’t do as much dmg I’ve fought him plenty of times in bgs.
    You’re probably just holding block and just letting him bash you in.

    P.S r6 is just a r5 ascended champ. Cuz that’s what it is… 🤦🏽‍♂️
    That's not what hard counter means Einstein. In order to be a hard counter the champ has to have offensive abilities that counter ALL of the defender's powerful defensive abilities, none of the champs you mentioned counter all of them. They counter one or the other but not both.

    Then the reason you're mitigating some of that damage is because you're skilled and can perfect block his special completely, not because the champs you're using counter him (yes Sunspot can perfect block with barely any effort but he doesn't counter the evade therefore not a hard counter). Great job you just proved my point! They aren't hard counters, they're decent counters but in order to play the fight perfectly with them you still have to be a skilled player, if they were hard counters the noobs wouldn't struggle because the champ would be doing most of the work for them.

    Literally nobody calls them r6 lmao.
    By your logic then bishop is not a hard counter to Korg cuz he not immune to his thorn dmg. In fact no one really (except Namor but Korg bleed immune) is but there are ways to get around it. If you can do a fight in a reasonable time with full or high health then that’s a hard counter.

    There are champs that can simply bypass around champs abilities and there already champs in game that can do that against bullseye. I haven’t even mentioned cheese counters against him.

    Such as weapon flex, kitty pride. You could also just time it with NF second life. You could also just use warlock or red skull and not even let him get to 1 bar of power. Shoutout to darthghost he just cooked him with Jabari panther no damage taken. There so many ways to fight bullseye already. Just say you want kabam to add saitama into the game to 1 shot everyone.

    I got r6 from andrewtheruff and zachthesword stream. 😊

    Hope this helps or maybe try out these different champs next time you encounter that cheat code.
    No, because due to the way Korg's thorns work you only need a champ who can stun and light attacks (which every champ in the game has access too lol) will prevent thorns. You don't necessarily need non contact attacks you just need to be able to stun him, which Bishop does.

    I've been playing this game seven years longer than you, I know what hard counter means lmao

    Neither of those are hard counters (except maybe Weapon X, he's very close to being one, I'll give you that) at this point you're just yapping based on what you think is right. Just like you think r5 ascended = r6 💀

    No **** a top player killed him with a random champ? So should everyone else right? Cause we're all Beroman 💀

    You can grasp straws all you want, the fact that you already said the way you're mitigating the damage with those champs is through your own gameplay and not champ abilities already proved my point.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    BigBlueOx said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    Have you met Mantis? 100% a hard counter if you know what’s happening.

    As for Onslaught… people trying to tell us #metal counters her should look up “reaching”. Sure she cs. Do some things but she also will melt from neuroshocks she can’t clear
    She doesn't fully counter Photon though, if she goes into pure light what then? Mantis can't block unblockable specials.
    And again, I don't personally have any trouble with her, I'm just saying there's no such thing as a hard counter for Photon (at least not a viable one for BGs). Does she have decent enough counters? Absolutely, but none of them shut her down completely the way ID shuts down Bishop, the way Galan shuts down Peni they barely have to do anything to beat them, that's a hard counter. Not like you need one anyways cause Photon's abilities can be countered with skill only.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,550 ★★★★★
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    NüΚΞ said:

    How do you get those sweet bars on your profile picture 😂😂? You get thrown in the Kabam slammer?

    They ran out of dunce hats so since they couldn't send me to a corner, they settled with the bars instead.
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
    Hard counter means you finish a fight quickly and finish at near or full yellow bar. Which all those champions simply do.

    You’re coping grabbing numbers out of who knows where to make it look like you said something profound.

    If you can parry his special hits it doesn’t do as much dmg I’ve fought him plenty of times in bgs.
    You’re probably just holding block and just letting him bash you in.

    P.S r6 is just a r5 ascended champ. Cuz that’s what it is… 🤦🏽‍♂️
    That's not what hard counter means Einstein. In order to be a hard counter the champ has to have offensive abilities that counter ALL of the defender's powerful defensive abilities, none of the champs you mentioned counter all of them. They counter one or the other but not both.

    Then the reason you're mitigating some of that damage is because you're skilled and can perfect block his special completely, not because the champs you're using counter him (yes Sunspot can perfect block with barely any effort but he doesn't counter the evade therefore not a hard counter). Great job you just proved my point! They aren't hard counters, they're decent counters but in order to play the fight perfectly with them you still have to be a skilled player, if they were hard counters the noobs wouldn't struggle because the champ would be doing most of the work for them.

    Literally nobody calls them r6 lmao.
    By your logic then bishop is not a hard counter to Korg cuz he not immune to his thorn dmg. In fact no one really (except Namor but Korg bleed immune) is but there are ways to get around it. If you can do a fight in a reasonable time with full or high health then that’s a hard counter.

    There are champs that can simply bypass around champs abilities and there already champs in game that can do that against bullseye. I haven’t even mentioned cheese counters against him.

    Such as weapon flex, kitty pride. You could also just time it with NF second life. You could also just use warlock or red skull and not even let him get to 1 bar of power. Shoutout to darthghost he just cooked him with Jabari panther no damage taken. There so many ways to fight bullseye already. Just say you want kabam to add saitama into the game to 1 shot everyone.

    I got r6 from andrewtheruff and zachthesword stream. 😊

    Hope this helps or maybe try out these different champs next time you encounter that cheat code.
    No, because due to the way Korg's thorns work you only need a champ who can stun and light attacks (which every champ in the game has access too lol) will prevent thorns. You don't necessarily need non contact attacks you just need to be able to stun him, which Bishop does.

    I've been playing this game seven years longer than you, I know what hard counter means lmao

    Neither of those are hard counters (except maybe Weapon X, he's very close to being one, I'll give you that) at this point you're just yapping based on what you think is right. Just like you think r5 ascended = r6 💀

    No **** a top player killed him with a random champ? So should everyone else right? Cause we're all Beroman 💀

    You can grasp straws all you want, the fact that you already said the way you're mitigating the damage with those champs is through your own gameplay and not champ abilities already proved my point.
    Not any champ can just stun korg because he can shrug him off. You simply just making my argument for me that you have to play around Korg thorn even tho none of those champs are immune to it. So none of them are hArD cOuNtErs the way you put it.

    I started playing in 2017 bruh not really a flex and have no idea why you added that really just yapping for no reason.

    I simply stated champs that can play around bullseyes abilities without having to lose serious amount of HP. Just like in Korg example, if you’re to stubborn to see how wrong you’re then so be it. No point in going back and forth when hard counters already exist.
  • MadGodOryxMadGodOryx Member Posts: 76
    Yes definitely. He is to sassy with those blades
    He should. I doubt he will because if Photon dodges nerfs, I cant imagine Kabam will hit him.

    One day I hope to understand this community’s absolute terror at the sheer mention of nerfs. It’s completely absurd.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    He already has a few counters so why should he get nerfed.
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    He is perfect for defense.
    Small number adjustment to offense would not hurt him. ;)
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:


    Within three months there will be a new champ who is an easy counter to Bullseye.

    You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't.
    What are you waffling on about? There's a ton of photon counters in the game already. Anyone with DAAR doesn't have to worry about her ever getting to pure light mode, those who don't need dexterity to dodge can dodge her specials in pure light, and skill alone can get around her annoying mechanics.

    Also iron heart is almost the perfect onslaught counter
    Nobody in the game counters her whole kit, what are you waffling about? I didn't say there aren't any counters at all, I said we don't have any hard counters meaning they shut down every single thing she has in her kit the way ID does with Bishop, or the way Galan does with Peni cause that's what people are arguing on this thread.

    She has some stuff, but again she doesn't hard counter everything in Onslaught's kit, did you even read what I typed before you replied?
    If you intended to say hard counters their kit, then why did you say

    "You say that as if they had already released champs who counter Photon and Onslaught directly, they haven't"

    A direct counter is different from a hard counter. Also Kate hard counters photon being able to bypass miss with tracking and tranquilize for no debuffs 😉

    I also highly doubt kabam is going to want to introduce 4.5+/5 defenders that get a hard counter like Bishop. You're much more likely to see soft counters like Iron Heart who counter everything in Onslaughts kit except her being metal.
    And I explained exactly what I meant three comments after that one because I knew someone would hit me with the typical "🤓" response

    1. Kate was released four months before Photon was even in the game. The person I replied to said three months down the line we'll get counters for these defenders, it's been 7 months and they haven't released a single counter for Photon (don't say Bullseye cause you and I know he absolutely sucks against bleed immune lmao)
    2. Going for tranquilize and coldsnap in a BGs scenario (especially GC) is not viable and will most likely end up with you losing due to time, it's not viable. If you thought we were arguing about counters outside of BGs we weren't, that's not an issue for anyone, beating these defenders outside of BGs is easy.

    That's kinda the problem here, with Bullseye at least. His defensive abilities are way too restrictive and on top of that you have to deal with the GC meta as well so even with a soft counter the difficulty is ridiculous. I don't care about Photon or Onslaught cause those can be countered even without counters if you know what you're doing but Bullseye is a different breed.
    Black cat, mantis, crossbones and Kingpin nuke photon. She really isn’t that difficult if you know how to dex her.

    Onslaught isn’t all that difficult if you know how to dex his sp1 you can take him with really anyone.

    Bullseye already have hard counters like AA bishop storm and onslaught. I’ve also seen other champs used for him with great success like Guardian, Sunspot and Hulking.
    I never said I had trouble with these two and I didn't say there weren't any champs who can counter certain parts of their kits, I'm saying there aren't any hard counters that can delete them in 20 secs cause they counter every single part of their kits (not just one or two) the way Galan counters Peni or ID counters Bishop.

    Do you know what hard counter means? Bishop, Storm, Sunspot, AA and Hulkling aren't bleed immune. How exactly do you counter the instant bleeds if you're not bleed immune/resistant, you will have to block at least one sp1 and that will easily take 15%-20% off just from blocking. As for the rest they are bleed immune/resistant but neither of them counter evade. This is the point I'm trying to make here, there aren't any hard counters in the game except maybe for Iceman who can shut down everything completely but he isn't exactly fast.
    Unlike Onslaught and Photon though you can't play around Bullseye's abilities without either losing a good chunk of health or time, which are the two most important aspects in a BGs fight. No defender in the game should be this overtuned it's too much.
    Bishop and storm can take bullseye without him even throwing a special, 25-30 second fight while finishing full yellow bar. Sunspot got perfect block on parry when defender got incinerate so you don’t take dmg. So yes hard counter.

    Hulking and AA will take some dmg but they also finish in 25ish time. If they’re r6 then it’s like 8% dmg tops.
    If you get lucky which rarely happens. In order to use Bishop and Storm against him you have to parry to apply the passive stun, if he doesn't make it to sp2 and decides tu dump the special instead of going for a basic attack (which 9 times out of 10 he does cause his AI is very aggressive) there goes a chunk of your health, if you have to rely on AI to get a decent enough score (I say this cause you also take damage when you dex) then that's not a hard counter.
    Sunspot doesn't have evade counter, it's still not a hard counter, I don't really think you understand what hard counter means.

    We don't even have r6 6* lol I recommend you stop watching videos and actually go fight Bullseye yourself in BGs. Both can finish quickly but 8% block damage? If you face a r1 Bullseye maybe, a high rank will take more than that.
    Hard counter means you finish a fight quickly and finish at near or full yellow bar. Which all those champions simply do.

    You’re coping grabbing numbers out of who knows where to make it look like you said something profound.

    If you can parry his special hits it doesn’t do as much dmg I’ve fought him plenty of times in bgs.
    You’re probably just holding block and just letting him bash you in.

    P.S r6 is just a r5 ascended champ. Cuz that’s what it is… 🤦🏽‍♂️
    That's not what hard counter means Einstein. In order to be a hard counter the champ has to have offensive abilities that counter ALL of the defender's powerful defensive abilities, none of the champs you mentioned counter all of them. They counter one or the other but not both.

    Then the reason you're mitigating some of that damage is because you're skilled and can perfect block his special completely, not because the champs you're using counter him (yes Sunspot can perfect block with barely any effort but he doesn't counter the evade therefore not a hard counter). Great job you just proved my point! They aren't hard counters, they're decent counters but in order to play the fight perfectly with them you still have to be a skilled player, if they were hard counters the noobs wouldn't struggle because the champ would be doing most of the work for them.

    Literally nobody calls them r6 lmao.
    By your logic then bishop is not a hard counter to Korg cuz he not immune to his thorn dmg. In fact no one really (except Namor but Korg bleed immune) is but there are ways to get around it. If you can do a fight in a reasonable time with full or high health then that’s a hard counter.

    There are champs that can simply bypass around champs abilities and there already champs in game that can do that against bullseye. I haven’t even mentioned cheese counters against him.

    Such as weapon flex, kitty pride. You could also just time it with NF second life. You could also just use warlock or red skull and not even let him get to 1 bar of power. Shoutout to darthghost he just cooked him with Jabari panther no damage taken. There so many ways to fight bullseye already. Just say you want kabam to add saitama into the game to 1 shot everyone.

    I got r6 from andrewtheruff and zachthesword stream. 😊

    Hope this helps or maybe try out these different champs next time you encounter that cheat code.
    No, because due to the way Korg's thorns work you only need a champ who can stun and light attacks (which every champ in the game has access too lol) will prevent thorns. You don't necessarily need non contact attacks you just need to be able to stun him, which Bishop does.

    I've been playing this game seven years longer than you, I know what hard counter means lmao

    Neither of those are hard counters (except maybe Weapon X, he's very close to being one, I'll give you that) at this point you're just yapping based on what you think is right. Just like you think r5 ascended = r6 💀

    No **** a top player killed him with a random champ? So should everyone else right? Cause we're all Beroman 💀

    You can grasp straws all you want, the fact that you already said the way you're mitigating the damage with those champs is through your own gameplay and not champ abilities already proved my point.
    Not any champ can just stun korg because he can shrug him off. You simply just making my argument for me that you have to play around Korg thorn even tho none of those champs are immune to it. So none of them are hArD cOuNtErs the way you put it.

    I started playing in 2017 bruh not really a flex and have no idea why you added that really just yapping for no reason.

    I simply stated champs that can play around bullseyes abilities without having to lose serious amount of HP. Just like in Korg example, if you’re to stubborn to see how wrong you’re then so be it. No point in going back and forth when hard counters already exist.
    You gotta let it go man!! When clobber starts to argue semantics, they just won’t stop. First it’s direct counter, then it’s hard counter. If you give a hard counter, they will say it can’t be as hard as wood, it needs to be rock hard. It’s a never ending cycle. And then weave in personal insults and name calling. Some things are best to let go. They have been saying ID hard counters bishop and galan hard counters peni so noobs can use them but how often in BG’s you are able to draft this perfect hard counter? You have to use whatever you get. As for photon, other than all the skill and DAAR champs already mentioned for photon, I have also nuked her down using torch in nova form. But sure..no hard counters for photon.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Nah he’s good. Those blades got nothing on me.
    Nah…enough good counters out there, Onslought is worse to deal with.
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