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Rank 5 Ascended Hulkling or Rank 2 Adam Warlock

Vito ScalettaVito Scaletta Posts: 398 ★★★★
edited March 17 in General Discussion
Hi all, this is a tough one. I love both of these guys, but kinda divided. I'm mostly looking for BGs dual threats. I feel Hulkling is enough at rank 4 and the ascension but still unsure. Help would be appreciated.

Rank 5 Ascended Hulkling or Rank 2 Adam Warlock 75 votes

GamerFreakydTalha305RajaAzKicker316Manup456Vegeta9001MagrailothosKaspYTCat_MurdockBluestoneGarloCyborg17Justcause102Sagacious0wl돌껑이Calwooddaddycaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001LegionnaireAdrianz1 58 votes
Adam Warlock
MasterSmokeBigPoppaCBONETerraakanakanScrubkiller_1Ewell65SSS69ItsClobberinTimeWolf911Doctor_Strange19Ben_15455KikohouI_tell_no_tales_1Marvelfan30RoddyRodster77Johnson374KLZJLordVileJ 17 votes


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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,128 ★★★★★
    Adam Warlock
    A ascension is basically a pseudo r5.
    Rank 2 your Adam, and ascend Hulkling.
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    TheSaithTheSaith Posts: 635 ★★★
    Adam is high risk high rewards champ and need RNG favors too (how opponent behave) , Hulking powerhouse of utility , damage and Fun to play with many imunities
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,225 ★★★★★
    Seeing how Hulkling will take a long time before he even sees 7* light, I'd say go with Hulkling, he's super tanky, nice heals, insane damage.

    Adam is too AI relience hero. Not good during current AI circus
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    RoddyRodster77RoddyRodster77 Posts: 60
    Adam Warlock
    R2 7* > R5 6*
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Adam Warlock
    More health

    Will hit harder on attack

    Will take longer to die on defense
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★

    R2 7* > R5 6*

    Only if the 7s is high sig.

    Kabam showed an internal chart they made comparing rarities based on their leveling, and an ascended 6s is somewhere between a r2 and r3 7s, in attack and health.

    Also on my profile my ascended 6s are rated higher than my 7sr2s.
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    Ben_15455Ben_15455 Posts: 263
    Adam Warlock
    Warlock will help you in the future. I also say rank up the 7* over the 6*
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    Vito ScalettaVito Scaletta Posts: 398 ★★★★
    edited March 18
    Hi everyone, thanks for your opinions. I decided to go with Hulkling as I found him to be my ideal Onslaught counter in this GC meta and also thought he could use the extra rank. I hope to rank Adam someday when the AI becomes a lot more cooperative.
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