Why am I taking damage against Dani?

Trying to do WoW with Stryfe, and I keep randomly taking damage from mediums and heavies. Not after time, but only after she gains an Illusion charge. I know you take damage when you prevent or remove one of her abilities, but the only thing mediums and heavies prevent is evade, which she can't do. I'd post a video, but can't figure out how.
Is this just not a Stryfe-able fight?
Is this just not a Stryfe-able fight?
Stryfe removes and reapplies the passive shock with his psionic attacks and it’s triggering this node. The node was no doubt meant to affect Dani’s prowess’s but it’s affecting stryfe’s shock too.
It also effects iceman’s frostbites when removing them with a heavy.
*EDIT* - Posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry.
Sounds like a weird interaction...
The damage isn't as high as normal, since you likely won't be able to reach an SP2 while she still has shock on her. But it can work.