The Titan Crystal - why - too much injustice

ValrozValroz Member Posts: 211 ★★
Out of the 18 champs, only 3 are great, 4 kind of useful, the rest are (will be filtered for sure). The “rest” should at least be mid, not subpar.


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,905 ★★★★★
    The purpose is to be able to obtain newer champs, not OP champs so I think it’s doing the job.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★★
    You forever lost any kind of consideration from me. Congrats
  • BKSwisherSweetBKSwisherSweet Member Posts: 164 ★★
    Out of 18 champs I just pulled a Photon
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,416 ★★★★★
    I would like all but four of the champs in that pool. Things needs way too many dupes, Gladiator and Iron Man do no excite me, and I have a duped Morbius.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,073 ★★★★★

    The purpose is to be able to obtain newer champs, not OP champs so I think it’s doing the job.

    I'd prefer if duds and mids like Jabari go straight to 7* basic with chance of 1%.

    The purpose is to be able to obtain newer champs, not OP champs so I think it’s doing the job.

    Community will be happy if duds and useless characters go straight to 7* basic instead of going through a crystal which is toughest to form.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,274 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    The purpose is to be able to obtain newer champs, not OP champs so I think it’s doing the job.

    I'd prefer if duds and mids like Jabari go straight to 7* basic with chance of 1%.

    The purpose is to be able to obtain newer champs, not OP champs so I think it’s doing the job.

    Community will be happy if duds and useless characters go straight to 7* basic instead of going through a crystal which is toughest to form.
    Again this mid opinion. Jabari isn't mid. Her damage is very good when you see what top players pulled off with her last aw season and in battlegrounds. People seriously sleeping on her.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★
    I pulled gladiator from my last titan.
    Even post buff, given my cosmic roster he's gonna be nearly useless to me except in a niche match up here or there.

    But it is what it is.

    I also pulled CB from my second titan, and although he's a killer, I've never been a fan of him myself.

    Again, it is what it is.

    My first titan was photon so I'm 1/3 for titans so far.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,058 ★★★★
    You got to be kidding me
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