7* Unawakened NC vs 6* Sig 200 NC

By the time this whole saga thing is over a lot of us will probably have enough either for one 7* Nightcrawler or multiple 6* but personally I've no clue which one I should go for. Will the 7* unawakened be better than the sig 200 6*?
Edit: yes I don't even have the 6* right now lol if I did the answer would be quite obvious.
Edit: yes I don't even have the 6* right now lol if I did the answer would be quite obvious.
However if the 7*'s damage is on par with the sig 200 6* then yeah no point in investing really.
Hopefully we get damage comparison videos soon cause that's the main thing I wanna see. Also, not sure how annoying he is on defense with and without that awakened ability or if he's annoying at all.
Also, they said runes can be exchanged for small amout of shards, I'll rather exchange it for shards over a 6* NC if I'm short for a 7* NC.
Wait we will be able to exchange them for 7* shards? If so, screw that lol I'm getting shards, don't really care that much about 6* or 7* NC I thought I had no other option.
Myself, I'm personally going for the 6* because I highly doubt I will be able to obtain all 120 required, especially with a significant amount being locked behind a mode I find cumbersome and not enjoyable in its current form (Battlegrounds) aaaand the fact that I've never made it past zone 16 in Incursions.
People talk about the resources to rank up a 6*; but for many people the time/resources/effort to acquire 120 runes is more than a significant barrier; whereas most of us literally just got free X-Magica rank-up Gems that we could use on Nightcrawler, if we want to.
As for the 6* Vs 7*, there's a lot of damage tied up in that Sig ability. The 7* will have the benefits of stat focus, and Champion Rating; but I think that overall their performance will probably be pretty close
I just bought the 6*…
7* rank up stuff will never be used on NC.
I still think that ranking up the 6* might be the way to go since his sig seems to be fairly important, but I would nonetheless not waste those runes on the 6*.
I too will not likely get what tokens I need for the 7*, but I made the choice to 6r5 and eventually ascend my personal favorite, before I knew that. Doesn't hurt that he accompanies my 7r3 Prof X well.
I haven't faced an awakened one on defense yet so I'm absolutely clueless, that is very interesting if that's the case.
And yeah 100% agree on that last part, that's why I have been leaning a bit more towards the 6* cause I know I can sig him up easily.