Who is your least favourite champ in the game?



  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    edited March 2024
    What a irony they would have R5 ascended Hercules but still he is least favourite for them. Hahaha hahaha..

    There are so many boring player but I tell why people saying Hercules because Hercules will make your reply unique and different.

    So many skilled players on the forum😂😂

    I am also not a fan of Hercules but he is very helpful for those are new and struggles in some fights so if they have Hercules it would be easier for them.

    For me there are so many. But first is rhino. Kabam please don't release him as 7*.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    Iron Patriot and I'm afraid he will be released as 7 star and haunt me in my titan crystal opening
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,746 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Immortal Hulk, literally a worse version of Adam Warlock

    I actually kinda like Bullseye on attack, he’s got some great utility such as guaranteed crits, an always active miss counter, True accuracy, etc.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    Hyperion. I just friggin hate Hyperion SO much! AI waits a while to throw SP? RIP. You parry? RIP. You have long SPs? Also RIP.

    I know there are plenty powercontrol champs to deal with him, but the issue starts when you can't use them, for ex. bcs of EQ or story nodes.

    I feel like every champ in game defeats you in a fair way and sometimes you just do need a specific counter. Abom's poison, Attuma's thorns, etc. etc., but Hype can just decide to block and throw SP3s and there is literally nothing you can do.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    Onslaught for obvious reasons
  • Oliver345781Oliver345781 Member Posts: 246 ★★
    Dani Moonstar. I DESPISE her animations, her ai always feels weird to me and she came out at the same time I had the worst day of my life.
  • BirbmanBirbman Member Posts: 122
    Falcon he’s just so boring
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,018 ★★★
    sersi cuz i pulled her like 7 out of 18 6 star featured
  • AcidBurn404AcidBurn404 Member Posts: 364 ★★
    Any champ who counters ibom
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,746 ★★★★★

    Any champ who counters ibom

    So skill champs? Other hulks?
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,076 ★★★★★
    Both Cyclopses. They are both old as dirt but I can't dex their specials despite them being extremely straightforward. I've had like six or seven years to learn them but no, I always get struck.

    I didn't think X-Men ever just straight-up murdered folks, but every time I face off against a Cyclops, they prove me wrong and put me in the dirt.
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