BUG on 8.2.6 boss Bahamet

SmiffithsSmiffiths Member Posts: 5
edited March 2024 in Bugs and Known Issues
The projected blast is invisible after Bahamet fires it after sp1 making it virtually impossible to complete missions & time when the projected blast reaches you


  • Blabla1990Blabla1990 Member Posts: 36
    I had a similar issue and reported to Kabam.
    Bahamet kept being stuck between 78% life and 83% going from phase 1 to 2 and from Phase 2 to 1. A really messed up experience that was. Unfortunately noticed the error late after wasting revives upon revives and units upon units for the guilo challenge. Restarted the game, the phone, the path and nothing seemed to get that sorted
  • SmiffithsSmiffiths Member Posts: 5
    @Kabam Miike will anything be done about this so I can finish my exploration for this content. The projected blast after sp1 is invisible
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    I am planning do this one today or tomorrow for the Guillotine challenge. Is this happening to everyone or just some? Asking to see if I should wait until this bug is fixed
  • SmiffithsSmiffiths Member Posts: 5
    So after waiting for few weeks for a response from kabam regarding this issue. Still no response. Not even a response to say they have acknowledged the report or that someone will look into the issue. I try to do a run on 8.2.6, today hoping with the new update ect that this issue is resolved. Again Bahamet fired his sp1 & again the projected blast after the sp1 is invisible, you cannot see the blast coming so makes it very very difficult to time it landing so do said missions to beat this boss. DEAR KABAM @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra i play on apple device. Will this bug ever be looked into so I can do exploration 100%. Will you even be kind enough to respond to say my reports been acknowledged. Or are you just gonna keep ignoring your customers. Not acknowledging posts & leaving players in pure silence. It would be a shame to walk away from the game after so many years playing but it comes to a point when banging your head against a brick wall is no longer fun. 8.2.6 boss projected blast is invisible if I didn’t mention? I play on apple! Regards from a paying customer, the same pay that contributes to kabams payroll
  • dee_jay5dee_jay5 Member Posts: 97
    I just finished 8.2.5. Is there still a Bahamet bug in 8.2.6? I want to make sure before I proceed.
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    dee_jay5 said:

    I just finished 8.2.5. Is there still a Bahamet bug in 8.2.6? I want to make sure before I proceed.

    some people are still experiencing some kind of bug, just don't take the Heal Sponge path and you'll be fine.
  • SmiffithsSmiffiths Member Posts: 5
    It’s effecting other paths not just heal sponge
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 562 ★★★
    Can confirm the Heal Sponge path heals beyond the current phase threshold. Just did it this morning...still bugged...
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