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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Battlegrounds is so much fun

DeathsworkerDeathsworker Posts: 158 ★★
Vibranium 3 is just filled with Valiants with 5-6M ranking :)
Thanks for putting the 10 shards in VT 10/10 smart, big brain, GOTY awards.


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    DeathsworkerDeathsworker Posts: 158 ★★

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Is it a buff for vt and gc or just the store? Cause if it’s just the store, it clearly didn’t work.
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Is it a buff for vt and gc or just the store? Cause if it’s just the store, it clearly didn’t work.
    Next season they're buffing solo rewards.
    Has nothing to do eith the store this time.
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    DeathsworkerDeathsworker Posts: 158 ★★

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Is it a buff for vt and gc or just the store? Cause if it’s just the store, it clearly didn’t work.
    Next season they're buffing solo rewards.
    Has nothing to do eith the store this time.
    Was it mentioned in the twitch stream or on forums? I wanna take a look

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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Is it a buff for vt and gc or just the store? Cause if it’s just the store, it clearly didn’t work.
    Next season they're buffing solo rewards.
    Has nothing to do eith the store this time.
    Was it mentioned in the twitch stream or on forums? I wanna take a look

    It was mentioned here when they talked about buffing the store for this season.
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,392 ★★★★

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Is it a buff for vt and gc or just the store? Cause if it’s just the store, it clearly didn’t work.
    It’s to the solo and alliance milestones. FYI the post with the announcement is in the “news & announcements” tab titled “BGs season 16 meta and valiant store.”
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    smdam38smdam38 Posts: 920 ★★★

    Vibranium 3 is just filled with Valiants with 5-6M ranking :)
    Thanks for putting the 10 shards in VT 10/10 smart, big brain, GOTY awards.

    Oh geez. You was just fooling, you stinker.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,853 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    The issue with BGs has never been the rewards. It’s just the slogfest that the game mode presents itself to be.

    Making it one season every quarter will be a lot more appealing imo.

    Agree with opening statement, not sure about the second because the roster progression rate differences seems like it would be way worse over three months, than one.
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,305 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    The issue with BGs has never been the rewards. It’s just the slogfest that the game mode presents itself to be.

    Making it one season every quarter will be a lot more appealing imo.

    Agree with opening statement, not sure about the second because the roster progression rate differences seems like it would be way worse over three months, than one.
    Kabam can always buff the rewards to maintain it, if they want to.

    The issue is there’s too many things to do in a game that was meant for enjoyment.
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 858 ★★★
    my mini's rating is like 1.2 mil and got crushed in vib 2 by every 4-5 mil rating lol. A true f2p experience
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    sherin_66sherin_66 Posts: 257 ★★★
    Was hoping I could get that cool wwbn emote but there are tons of valiants parked at the gates of GC so rip :(
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    HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Posts: 825 ★★★★
    Try GC. If you’re not buying every champ and whaling, good luck.
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    altavistaaltavista Posts: 1,338 ★★★★

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Actually, its the opposite - next seasons will get worse and worse.

    This season, the Store buff made more players interested in BGs. While some of the Valiants won't continue playing next season, there will still be more Valiants playing because of the store rewards. So next season, there will still be a high amount of Valiant players you'd have to face.

    This season, 6-star shards in the Milestones (and a low chance at getting high rank rewards) means there is no incentive to camp. Next season (and onward), the buff to Solo milestones potentially means that there is more of an incentive to 'camp' in VT in order to get all the milestone rewards (if they are enticing enough). So if players are complaining of there being too many players not moving onto GC right now, chances are that problem is going to get worse going forward.

    Additionally, the divide between Pay and FTP will continue to grow despite these players being in the same competitive pool. Paying players will continue to get the newest champions as 6-stars (and rare chance at 7-star version), easily take them to rank 5 and ascend them, while the FTP player will be essentially one whole Featured Crystal timers worth behind them. This is more of a problem in GC, but is still a problem in VT.

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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    The issue with BGs has never been the rewards. It’s just the slogfest that the game mode presents itself to be.

    Making it one season every quarter will be a lot more appealing imo.

    I think it’s fine to run seasons as frequently as they’re run, my issue is with putting a high rarity, time sensitive item in there for three consecutive seasons. Spread that out so that it doesn’t feel absolutely mandatory to do it three times in a row, and I think you’re in safer territory.
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    Mike3034Mike3034 Posts: 27
    For me the issue isn't the rewards. It's having to fight the same 5-6 defenders over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. To which I'm having to fight with the same counters (or best available champs) over and over and over and over and over again. Regardless of the Buffs in place, it's the same defenders on rinse and repeat. It just gets boring. Especially in a cycle like this where the last few months have been heavy defensive champs with an inadequate number of counters available.
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,392 ★★★★
    altavista said:

    Next 2 seasons shouldn’t be as bad due to the rewards buff, and if you’re not ftp you can pick up the missing 10 from this season.

    Actually, its the opposite - next seasons will get worse and worse.

    This season, the Store buff made more players interested in BGs. While some of the Valiants won't continue playing next season, there will still be more Valiants playing because of the store rewards. So next season, there will still be a high amount of Valiant players you'd have to face.

    This season, 6-star shards in the Milestones (and a low chance at getting high rank rewards) means there is no incentive to camp. Next season (and onward), the buff to Solo milestones potentially means that there is more of an incentive to 'camp' in VT in order to get all the milestone rewards (if they are enticing enough). So if players are complaining of there being too many players not moving onto GC right now, chances are that problem is going to get worse going forward.

    Additionally, the divide between Pay and FTP will continue to grow despite these players being in the same competitive pool. Paying players will continue to get the newest champions as 6-stars (and rare chance at 7-star version), easily take them to rank 5 and ascend them, while the FTP player will be essentially one whole Featured Crystal timers worth behind them. This is more of a problem in GC, but is still a problem in VT.

    The reason I said it’d be easier is because currently the solo event rewards are awful. Nobody will grind for those specifically, hence people played less, hence they took longer to progress through the vt, hence vibranium became a roadblock.

    When people have to play more that means that 1: lower accounts will grind more as the rewards are very worth it to them, meaning more matchups against lower players.

    2: solo milestone rewards are in direct relation to participation, meaning players will be forced to play more if they want those rewards. Thus the higher tier accounts will start playing more, meaning they will progress through vt sooner, reducing the roadblock in vibranium. (unless they point farm but that’s bannable now so I doubt it)

    Note that I specifically mean making it to gc will be easier, I expect grinding in gc to become more difficult with more players there.
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