A cheese option for right side aegon in wow gauntlet !

Well I was wondering how kushala would work against aegon since he would get 6 furies everytime we hit him so.. here's what happened since aegon gets 6 buffs every time u hit him kushala's power gain goes crazy. U basically get to sp3 after every combo so I kept spamming sp3 left and right and kept him stun locked the whole time.
This fights gets cheesy as u ur spirit gain is crazy and your power gain also goes crazy with kushala so what I was doing is using a relic and as soon as the relic ended I would hit the sp3 , after the sp3 he would be still in the relic stun so I would quickly get a combo in then again relic and sp3 , just don't hit him after ur relic expires and use ur sp3 immediately and you will be good to go
Here are some screenshots
This fights gets cheesy as u ur spirit gain is crazy and your power gain also goes crazy with kushala so what I was doing is using a relic and as soon as the relic ended I would hit the sp3 , after the sp3 he would be still in the relic stun so I would quickly get a combo in then again relic and sp3 , just don't hit him after ur relic expires and use ur sp3 immediately and you will be good to go
Here are some screenshots
I did Left side with Chavez, Domino and Herc
Btw, Aegon is left side right?
This is the video in case u were wondering