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Lost of key for side quest due to error

Can the side quest please be check as I lost a key doing a run were the game errored out and crashed and now I'm done a key for the next side quest.


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    Mrwulf87Mrwulf87 Posts: 5
    I lost 2 keys bc the quest allows you to edit your team without leaving the quest. I had 2 keys and thought it was fine. I went to change it a second time and realized I just wasted 2 keys. There's no reason to do the quest now if I can't 100% it. I did not leave or quit the quest. How can you not allow us to retry the same quest over and over. Please just give me back my 2 keys. I was planning on getting the 6 star awakening gem for my herc to get past gwenmaster if it helps me. Lol apparently I'm not skilled enough.
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    Raidars4lifeRaidars4life Posts: 17
    Same issue. Lost a key backing out of rooks vault. Says you can quit and start again without losing entry keys. Another part of the game not working as intended. Now I can’t 100% so what’s the point. State of the game is at an all time low!
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    houndogακιhoundogακι Posts: 174
    I "lost" a run for aq cause there was no key for storm side quest in my run.Just only the diamonds to trade
    So now i have no key for the primodial dust and rest diamonds,so gem at rhe end i guess
    Total bulls(eye)
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