Mastery Loadout Bugs are affecting OTHER masteries too, including Stupify's stun duration

I was fighting in EQ when I realized my stun durations seemed shorter than before. We all know the Mastery Loadout Bugs ("MLBs") are removing attack bonuses from Liquid Courage and Double Edge (aka the "suicide masteries"). But I have proof that MLBs are affecting other masteries too.
The proficiency tree in my active mastery Loadout looks like this: You'll see that I have 3/3 Stupify, which should provide 0.5 seconds of additional duration on stuns.
I hopped into RoL with two Knulls and without touching my mastery tree. The full set of fights and changes is here:
This video shows three things:
1. Knull fighting RoL WS, I just went in without any mastery edits, so I have 3/3 Stupify equiped. You'll notice my parry stun expires before I can throw a Medium + Heavy. A shorter clip of this specific interaction is here:
2. I quit out and reset my Utility mastery tree to the exact same set of masteries I had before, especially and including 3/3 Stupify.
3. I return to fight WS with Knull, only this time the parry stun is plenty long enough to land a Medium and Heavy attack before the timer expires.
So it's clear that MLBs are affecting at least one mastery behind the suicides. This is a problem in and of itself, but it reveals another larger issue. How many other masteries we can't reliably measure are bugged and/or not working? Are MLBs affecting Despair effectiveness? Or Willpower? What about Greater Precision and Greater Cruelty? How can we trust any mastery loadouts with MLBs disrupting... possibly every aspect of masteries, and thus every aspect of the game?
The proficiency tree in my active mastery Loadout looks like this: You'll see that I have 3/3 Stupify, which should provide 0.5 seconds of additional duration on stuns.
I hopped into RoL with two Knulls and without touching my mastery tree. The full set of fights and changes is here:

This video shows three things:
1. Knull fighting RoL WS, I just went in without any mastery edits, so I have 3/3 Stupify equiped. You'll notice my parry stun expires before I can throw a Medium + Heavy. A shorter clip of this specific interaction is here:

2. I quit out and reset my Utility mastery tree to the exact same set of masteries I had before, especially and including 3/3 Stupify.
3. I return to fight WS with Knull, only this time the parry stun is plenty long enough to land a Medium and Heavy attack before the timer expires.

So it's clear that MLBs are affecting at least one mastery behind the suicides. This is a problem in and of itself, but it reveals another larger issue. How many other masteries we can't reliably measure are bugged and/or not working? Are MLBs affecting Despair effectiveness? Or Willpower? What about Greater Precision and Greater Cruelty? How can we trust any mastery loadouts with MLBs disrupting... possibly every aspect of masteries, and thus every aspect of the game?
Just 3 times today, I had to do a "dummy swap" (from 1 to 2, then back to 1) to get my roster looking normal again. I think I may have even done a few maze fights mastery-less..
I also randomly see the top middle of my screen showing 59 (i.e., that I have no points loaded). Really hoping the free swaps gets extended at least a few more days, or however long this takes to fix.
It must have been tested since this feature was years in the work?
What is the progress here? Will free switching continue until the bugs are fixed? Right now, I have to reapply masteries every time I log in.
Sorry for the late response. I did see this yesterday and reported it right away, but wasn't near a computer to respond to this thread. The team is aware and looking into it right now.
If someone can address what's happening and the solution, we thank you.