Account suspended need help Richtheman

Hey, i was banned during the end of the last season of bgs. 3-4 days prior to end of battlegrounds season. Dude seriously is was a WTF moment for me because I was banned suddenly. I wasn’t even playing that frequently and I didn’t even reached vibranium 1 and i have contacted support for many times but they say my account is banned because i cheated in battlegrounds. I mean cmon man if i was even cheating in battlegrounds then i should have been in the gladiator circuit, it was the end of the season. Please someone can help me unban my account. Dude i am a responsible player. Many times richtheman have read my forum posts even on his videos. I play on ipad with latest ipados. How can i cheat. Please someone help me otherwise i will loose my 6 years old valiant account. They already messed up my winter of woe run. Please help me. You can see youself, i am attaching screenshots of the day i got banned.

Also my ipad os version if its a jailbreak device you guys think. Please help

Also my ipad os version if its a jailbreak device you guys think. Please help

. bought the account
. ran a 3rd party app
. shared your accounts etc
it may have been part of an increased level of punishment. You could be on several strikes for some reason, I don't know. I would either recommend raising a ticket with Kabam if you believe you are in the right.
I just can't remember the last time someone got banned and they were actually told why it was banned lol.
.. it's a reality......a of 6 years hardwork.....go...within...seconds......but the only way for make impossible things is to pray.....praying can remove this ban🙌...
.... it's your time to enjoy the real life...... happy new year....this is your second beginning....
But if you had been INTENTIONALLY staying out of Glad.Circuit by obviously losing periodic Battleground matches, so you can continue to rack up daily BG Objective rewards or Event Points.
Was a Deathless piece based on BG stuff, which maybe allowed you to obtain a piece by manipulating your wins/losses, instead of having reached GC which might have put a stop to your earning more of that ?
2. You say you were banned before the end of the season. So perhaps the reason why you did not make it to GC was because you were banned before you actually made it to GC.
3. Players usually aren't permanently banned for cheating a single time in BG, absent some other additional aggravating circumstance. They usually draw a temporary ban of a few days to a week. So if your account was permanently closed, there are two possibilities: you cheated very obviously in some very sensitive area of the game (for example people were insta-banned when they cheated in Necropolis when it first came out) or you were temporarily banned multiple times for prior violations and Kabam escalated the ban to a permanent closure for repeated violations.
4. Once upon a time Kabam did not make any comments on any game account disciplinary actions. They still do not generally volunteer such information, but they have increasingly made exceptions when players out themselves first and complain about account discipline being unfair or in error. You don't actually want to ask a Kabam employee to look at this carefully and report back on exactly what led up to the permanent closure. Because these days, they might.