Looking for plat alliance



  • Abdullah012Abdullah012 Member Posts: 10

  • DoomanDooman Member Posts: 159
    Don't currently have an opening in our Plat alliances. But always willing to have a discussion and see if our visions align should something change.

    Hit me up on discord, mrdooman
  • Alphastalker_Alphastalker_ Member Posts: 96
    What type of plat alliance you looking for
  • Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    We are a chill but organized plat 4 alliance pushing for plat 3. AQ- 1BG Map 6 100%, 2BG Map 8 Boss Rush. Raids. No BG minimums.

    Discord: tazerface_9
  • UA3333UA3333 Member Posts: 24

    We are plat 3, raid active, full map 7 100% clears, and at least 150K in BGs (300K for the special seasons)
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