What did you get from your loyalty crystals

I got void today, my first loyalty. I also got 6 star bullseye for the first time. Happy about both. I'm sure lots of people got 7 star loyalties today, what did you get.
On my first crystal I got black cat (lucky) and she's r3 now.
On my next 2 crystals I got Aarkus vision
Forums and their obsession with making mid champs look like a busted one.
Still short on my second one, ughh.. need just under 200k.
I am happy as I only had two 7* in each of these classes before pulling them. So not really going to help with this crystal…
I want Black Cat.
Two Mordos on the first day of these Loyalty Sevens. Initially just slightly disappointed, but he's grown on me a lot. Nice.
Much later: Storm. Great! Even better since Bullseye's release! Nice nice.
A couple of weeks ago: what the duck
Today: Aarkus. Feelings TBC.
The nice thing about all of these is I didn't have the six star above R1 if I had it at all. So I'm quite looking forward to seeing if I like Aarkus or not! Certainly his seven star variant is his best chance to impress.
Also just saw I can't get another crystal for 72 days, so I spent my last single shatter on the 1k crystals needed for me to pop a generic seven and got Titania! So everything's generally coming up Milhouse.
But still no Black Cat.
Not a great champ by any means, but definitely deserve a spot in your bg deck.
Most recent opening was a Black Cat. Very happy about that.
The previous 4 were Aarkus, Howard, Aarkus and Aarkus Again.
R3 7 star sig 40 Vision Aarkus strikes fear into BG opponents. So many players ban him even though I don't really plan to draft him.