A Delicious 8.4 Cheese Platter

I figured I could share some of the cheesiest paths and fights I've found in 8.4.

First up: Miles Morales cheeses through the 8.4.1 path that starts with Gambit (and is great for the America Chavez boss as well). What makes this path tricky is that all specials are unblockable all the time. Luckily, Miles just...doesn't care. Every special - along the entire path - will miss him 100%.
Unless you do what I did and accidentally pull of a well-timed block against one of the specials. That's the only time he will not try to make an attack miss.
He also makes the America Chavez boss a cakewalk since she can throw as many unblockable SP2s at you as she wants. Just a small PSA, though: striker hits grant you extra fury buffs to fuel the Rising Sun node.
Next up: Bullseye in turn dominates 8.4.5 Miles Morales in 15 seconds. He works for the entire path. This does require some decent AI cooperation but as long as the defender puts up their block after you get a 15-hit combo and doesn't charge at you, you'll end the fight really quickly.
After this, we have Spidey Supreme doing Spidey Supreme stuff in 8.4.4. This level of cheese only really works against Old Man Logan on the path since he has insanely many buffs, but I might try to do a showcase later of the rest of the path. It should still be interesting, but I haven't tried it out yet.
And finally, we have Vox completely ignoring everything that's annoying with the 8.4.4 Deadly Precision path. The crux of the path is that the defender has a 90% chance to evade basic attacks unless you have a precision effect of some kind on you. You could just intercept the opponent in order to get a precision passive that way, but there's also a node that gives you a teeny tiny precision each time you gain a cruelty buff. Luckily for Vox, he gains a cruelty buff on his first light attack. You can shut down the entire path with one light attack. It works for the entire path, and Vox is additionally poison immune, which helps a lot against some of the defenders.
If you know of more cheese in 8.4, feel free to share!

First up: Miles Morales cheeses through the 8.4.1 path that starts with Gambit (and is great for the America Chavez boss as well). What makes this path tricky is that all specials are unblockable all the time. Luckily, Miles just...doesn't care. Every special - along the entire path - will miss him 100%.
Unless you do what I did and accidentally pull of a well-timed block against one of the specials. That's the only time he will not try to make an attack miss.
He also makes the America Chavez boss a cakewalk since she can throw as many unblockable SP2s at you as she wants. Just a small PSA, though: striker hits grant you extra fury buffs to fuel the Rising Sun node.

Next up: Bullseye in turn dominates 8.4.5 Miles Morales in 15 seconds. He works for the entire path. This does require some decent AI cooperation but as long as the defender puts up their block after you get a 15-hit combo and doesn't charge at you, you'll end the fight really quickly.

After this, we have Spidey Supreme doing Spidey Supreme stuff in 8.4.4. This level of cheese only really works against Old Man Logan on the path since he has insanely many buffs, but I might try to do a showcase later of the rest of the path. It should still be interesting, but I haven't tried it out yet.

And finally, we have Vox completely ignoring everything that's annoying with the 8.4.4 Deadly Precision path. The crux of the path is that the defender has a 90% chance to evade basic attacks unless you have a precision effect of some kind on you. You could just intercept the opponent in order to get a precision passive that way, but there's also a node that gives you a teeny tiny precision each time you gain a cruelty buff. Luckily for Vox, he gains a cruelty buff on his first light attack. You can shut down the entire path with one light attack. It works for the entire path, and Vox is additionally poison immune, which helps a lot against some of the defenders.

If you know of more cheese in 8.4, feel free to share!
8.4.3 Emma Frost is basically the same as Black Cat, all hits are guaranteed crits so she can never hit Maw
It was really odd to be able to completely and utterly cheese the WoW Gauntlet Aegon with Spidey and then struggle with him in 8.4.
I think I actually got the Duck down with Spidey Supreme as well.
Reading the path in 8.4.5 that starts with Warlock, it was pretty clear that it was made for Mordo. On this path, each time you get a Fury, you also gain an Intensify buff, increasing the Potency of all future buffs by 25%
Mordo can gain insane numbers of Fury buffs by charging a Heavy attack. He also regularly gains strong Power Gain buffs (with eight Intensify buffs, that's a free SP3 each time...) and if he's low on health, each SP3 grants him Regeneration buffs (hello, full yellow bar).
I took in Mordo at both 7*1/25 and 6* 3/45.
I literally never needed the 7*.
Mordo is so broken on this path, it's just crazy
Many fury buffs that arent passive?
Ronan worked brilliant...until SPX, then it was sad face.