An amazing player of the community

This player is one of kindest person i met in mcoc community, he is paragon and I am cavalier but we both got matched together , he was so nice that he first banned my lowest rated champs and I was already happy but then
he choose his lowest rated defender for me to
win and didn't even fight me , man I love this guy .

he choose his lowest rated defender for me to
win and didn't even fight me , man I love this guy .

Post his details public and get him banned for farming in bgs?😭
Reality is.... He want defeat....he made a game plan for his bg solo rewards .
I also use this method sometimes 😁.
1) if you win more using elders with farming that means you use less elders mark. Resulting in spending less units to buy elderss thereby causeng loss of revenue for Kabam. Not saying everyone use units to buy elder marks.
2) Getting more points faster with the farming technique which results in better rewards for the majority of players instead of the top 10% of the player based. Not good for the econony of the game long term.
3) farming keeps you in a lower tier BG bracket thereby where you face against smaller accounts thus screwing over the smaller accounts and this creats more complaint posts in the form (not a good moral builder).
4) Takes away the spirit of competition. Playing to lose wasn't part of their idea when they invented this game mode. Even though smaller accounts will suffer a higher losing percentage when they reach Vabrinum since they are facing way bigger accounts.
This is my personal opinion so don't take it as real facts.
He just sending you up so we can send you back down. We call that the circle of life, so wholesome ☺️
Oh well at least he’s updated his roster a bit lol!!! I’m not sure if this was same guy but he had a Legends badge so who knows? I don’t think anyone would be complaining about their matchups if they kept getting an account like this 😂😂!!!