Is void still usable ?

Currently looking to rank 5 a six star void and give him all the sigs because I used to enjoy playing him. I’m kinda at the point now where I should be ranking champs for necro so it feels a little iffy.
Does he have any uses at the moment or would it be a waste of resources ?
Does he have any uses at the moment or would it be a waste of resources ?
In short, Yes! He is usable.
The plan was to R5 him, but then I got Scorpion, HT and Photon, and took them to R5/R4…so I ascended him for now. But, he will be my next R5 science champ.
Loving mine, not a single regret. He’s not just usable, he’s great.
I've been striving to get the 7* but so far I'm 0 for 3.