Parry not sticking

TeamSoCoTeamSoCo Member Posts: 67
Have a video but of course idk how to post. It doesn’t matter how many times I swap back and forth from masteries. Take points out and back in. My parries do not stick have maxed stupefy and my parry stuns might last half of a second. Can we please not roll out this season until y’all get this working correctly? It’s almost impossible on some nodes to take down the defender when everyone has max limber. If u email me I will send video.


  • TeamSoCoTeamSoCo Member Posts: 67
    I will say it happened between this war and last so whatever was changed is likely the culprit. Idk if it’s because I didn’t have the AW check mark active when something got pushed out or what. But it is ONLY happening in aw. So it has to be apart of the new mastery system. I am on iPhone 15 pro not sure if that matters.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,326 Guardian
    Your masteries are fine. What is happening is the game is taking the defensive loadout that the other person selected, and is adding that with their current loadout. So defenders could be having 10/5 Limber which would be why your parry stuns aren't sticking. It was really noticeable when someone fought a chavez and a single buff gave her almost a full bar of power from having 10/5 MD.

    Hopefully something is done before the seasons starts. All I know is the game team is looking into it.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    If nothing is done before the season starts just delay the season until something is done. Simple
  • SaltygoodnessSaltygoodness Member Posts: 358 ★★
    I posted the same on another thread, we have multiple videos of a proficiency mastery reset being done and then the stupefy doesn’t work at all. It makes certain fights unplayable and the worst thing is you never know if your masteries will work or not, stupefy disappears from fight to fight - if it never worked people could adjust but it works in AQ and quests and in SOME war fights but then it doesn’t work in other war fights without any mastery change in between

    It’s a big issue and it seems to be affecting mostly wars. Please take time to fix it before the season starts. Wars are unplayable and not enjoyable at the moment
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