Getting above good at mcoc

This is mostly aimed at summoners competing in higher war tier, ranking celestial at least in BG and generally considering themselves quite good and knowledgeable in MCOC. Everybody can join the discourse of course.
So, if you’re in that group, how much time do you spend on MCOC daily, and what do you use your time on?
I’m interested in how you practice your skills and general knowledge to keep an edge.
Do you practice a lot in certain quests? Try to visualize scenarios based on nodes and champions descriptions and then see if they work out in game?
In short, what’s your strategy for getting good and improving?
This is mostly aimed at summoners competing in higher war tier, ranking celestial at least in BG and generally considering themselves quite good and knowledgeable in MCOC. Everybody can join the discourse of course.
So, if you’re in that group, how much time do you spend on MCOC daily, and what do you use your time on?
I’m interested in how you practice your skills and general knowledge to keep an edge.
Do you practice a lot in certain quests? Try to visualize scenarios based on nodes and champions descriptions and then see if they work out in game?
In short, what’s your strategy for getting good and improving?
Now, if anybody has some actual insight to share, that’d be quite useful (it can be fun too).
Also when the ai dashes back there’s normally a rhythm to when they’ll dash back into you, so practising that small timing space can help with intercepting.
It becomes a full time job or more, with continuous intense studying, hours of practice that would make any of us lesser beings' eyes bleed, personal sacrifices, and probably a lot of real money investment.
When somebody starts talking about their favorite champ, listen. You’ll probably learn about some piece of utility or interaction that you didn’t know.
One thing that has helped me and only discovered recently is watching livestreams of BG. More often than not you see the thought process in selecting the deck and champs, which at time I find way more valuable than the fight itself. I did also picked up a few neat tricks for certain fight while watching better skilled players perform though.
I've learned a ton from those.
Other top player BG videos where they explain their thought process help as well.
I've never been in the top 0.1% like fintech and the like. I got old man reaction speed compared to those.
For context, there’s lot of good advice and I appreciate it. I should have noted that I’m ok at the game, Valiant, done all story content, always ended up at Gamma 1 / Arcane 3 or 2 in BG and explored Necro post revive farming nerf. I’m not a total noob, but I do feel like I hit a ceiling in terms of skills, thus the thread.
For BG, I’d love to make it to arcane or quantum consistently, but for now it’s a pipe dream.