Has battlegrounds killed MCOC?

Been wanting to post this for a while. I know lots of the try hards will object, so this question is geared more towards the casual player.
Personally, I don’t like the mode. I have a big roster, but like to play this game as a stress reliever as opposed to a stress inducer. The AI lately has been atrocious and in a mode like BGs where you’ll lose if you get combo’d it just sucks and isn’t fun.
Personally, I don’t like the mode. I have a big roster, but like to play this game as a stress reliever as opposed to a stress inducer. The AI lately has been atrocious and in a mode like BGs where you’ll lose if you get combo’d it just sucks and isn’t fun.
It is optional, but that doesn’t negate its (non-optional) impact on the rest of the game.
First - Pre-BG, one could ignore competitive modes (Eg. AW) and still obtain 100% of what is available in game. You might not be opening as many crystals as regular AW participants, but it is not common to lock unique rewards (aside from Ultron) to optional modes.
Post-BG, one misses out on Deathless pieces, Nightcrawler pieces, etc. Again, the content and reward are optional, but you can’t discount that fact that you can no longer obtain 100% of what is availabile in game without doing this “optional” content. It is a paradigm shift, regardless of whether players like it or not (and can be seen by how Kabam is also locking Ultron and Sparky behind Raid and Challenges - this reflects a difference in Kabam’s philosophy).
Second - new champions seem to be designed with BGs in mind. Whether their purpose is to be a meta defender or a burst damage god, the design philosophy for champions has changed to reflect this ‘optional” content. This affects all other areas of the game. One could argue that Kabam has always done this but its just using BG terminology since its a good reference point, but even Kabam’s admission of releasing too many meta defenders in a short time period, reflects that champions are now being designed with BG in their mind.
So many of the new champs are BG focused, some even get a BG ramp up bonus in their kit.
I understand the “don’t play it” logic, but am I wrong in thinking that BG is the mode the devs want us playing? And that that is where the game is ultimately going?
Not sure if I’d agree with everyone saying BGs saved the game; but it definitely extended its life. Simply put, you need 30 champs, instead of the usual 11 (5 for story, 3 for AQ and 3 for AW). Thats why champs were getting locked from AQ/AW, so we were forced to rank more than 5 champs.
At the end of the day, we need some incentive to collect and rank up champs; and we’re at a point where they prolly can’t create enough content to justify those champs and rank ups without BGs.
1) BGs keep the high-end/end game contingent engaged. They are what funds the game in between events. Even if metrics boils it down to just 4k users, those users account for a disproportionate amount of revenue.
2) casuals are only useful for their potential to become more than casual. It's why streamers tout paid subs numbers in earnings calls, not total (casual/freeloader) subs.
"Personally, I don’t like the mode. I have a big roster, but like to play this game as a stress reliever as opposed to a stress inducer."
So don't play it....
How the hell is it killing the game because YOU don't like it?
I used to spend frequently on this game. Stuff like this piling up with the numerous other problems, is causing me to not support the devs as I used to. I still spend here and there. But until this game approaches the prestige it once had I won't return to that level of spending.
I have been wanting to say, but have held in fear I'm misremembering..... some time ago, some sort of director position was changed. As well as some of (or all?) the teams working directly on the game. Old "man in charge" was moved to a new project. This is almost the exact time the offers went up in cost, input fell apart, lag became such a issue, things went invisible, AI went to pot, etc etc etc etc etc etc
Kabam is a company, with shareholders, I understand this. A company needs to keep developing new projects to stay afloat, and needs income. I definitely understand giving the whales something to buy. But companies that neglect the things that have made them what they are often falter.
I wish Kabam, in its entirety, good luck.
I play whatever mode appeals to me that day.
1 - they provide spenders/more dedicated players with opponents who can be beaten
2 - they build, maintain and spread information and hype (i.e. the community) about the game.
I'm not a fan of BGs; but I can see the appeal, and how much it's helped the game. It's just a shame that the somewhat rigid time commitments (solid bursts of time where you can't pause your phone or put it down) makes it off-putting or inaccessible to those of us fitting MCOC around lots of real life commitments. As you say, non-contiguous time doesn't allow you to play BGs effectively.
That was what was always my problem with Incursions, until they developed the solo mode.