When can we expect Tier 4 Alpha Catalyst to be available in any playable content at all ever?

Not even the recent release of the necropolis had any in it. The only place I've seen any is a meager amount in the greater banquet crystals.
There's really no reason to play. I finished 8.3, but can't get valiant because the game developers forgot they even made tier 4 alpha catalysts and have left them out of the game entirely.
Has anyone seen any details I missed about when and where we may see these?
There's really no reason to play. I finished 8.3, but can't get valiant because the game developers forgot they even made tier 4 alpha catalysts and have left them out of the game entirely.
Has anyone seen any details I missed about when and where we may see these?
They have stated that the road to Valiant in the short term is Necropolis. You could do completion and Cyber Weekend deals or exploration. Obviously Cyber Weekend has come and gone at this point, so if you didn’t spend on the deals there the only path left to you as of this moment is Necropolis exploration.
They have stated that there will be another r3 in Act 8 exploration rewards once 8.4 drops. But I think it will only be one, so you would still need to complete Necropolis if you want the Valiant title.
Kabam has also made it clear that r3 7* champions will be a drip feed. We should not expect the floodgates to open on them for quite a long time. The most anybody can have right now (barring the absolute top spenders in the Banquet event) is three. I’d say I wouldn’t expect to have more than five or six by summer.
The devs directly stated that they wanted Necropolis to be the primary way to reach Valiant for a while, and the next time you see R3 catalysts in any significant amount would likely be Act 8 exploration. Beyond that, the materials will likely start leaking out in other less top tier content slowly over time.
This lad is asking when T4A will be open to purchase from glory, battlegrounds and loyalty 🤣