Chill AQ Focused Alliance (Line Req). 1 Spot for map 5 + raids, 1 spot for map 4

1 Spot Open for Map 5 and Raids
1 Spot Open for Map 4 no Raids

AQ Focused Alliance (Bg1: map 5; Bg2+3 map 4) = 4.3k Glory a week
Only Bg1 does Raids.
Alliance War Optional (Silver 1 Usual Rank)
Must have the Line App
Participation is a must. Failure to participate without notification may lead to being kicked from the alliance. Please use Line to communicate any needs, thoughts, and notification.
We all want to have fun and enjoy the game, but we know we all have lives outside the game. Please do not hesitate to let us know if ur going absent from AQ.
Please be respectful of other alliance members in the Line chat. That doesn't mean we don't joke around 😆
If interested DM me on the Forums with a screenshot of ur account profile w/ name and your Line ID. We can continue to talk there.
Thank you!
1 Spot Open for Map 4 no Raids

AQ Focused Alliance (Bg1: map 5; Bg2+3 map 4) = 4.3k Glory a week
Only Bg1 does Raids.
Alliance War Optional (Silver 1 Usual Rank)
Must have the Line App
Participation is a must. Failure to participate without notification may lead to being kicked from the alliance. Please use Line to communicate any needs, thoughts, and notification.
We all want to have fun and enjoy the game, but we know we all have lives outside the game. Please do not hesitate to let us know if ur going absent from AQ.
Please be respectful of other alliance members in the Line chat. That doesn't mean we don't joke around 😆
If interested DM me on the Forums with a screenshot of ur account profile w/ name and your Line ID. We can continue to talk there.
Thank you!
Spots still open.
1 map4 and 1 Map5 with Raids